cents. This department has drawn orders on the loan commission
ers from number one to number two hundred and seven inclusive;
cash included, sixteen thousand one hundred and twenty-seven dol
lars and thirty-three and one-half cents; commissary due bills ( out
standing) about five thousand three hundred and one dollars. The
amount of subsistence when the returns are fully made will not be
far from eleven thousand four hundred sixty-four dollars. There is
remaining in the hands of the commissary-general the following :
At Fort Wascopam 15 about sixty head of Spanish cattle; at Forts
Wascopam and Waters about twenty -five horses; in the valley about
forty head of cattle, eight or ten horses, six kegs powder, four large
kegs powder, one box caps, four rifles, twenty-six muskets, one
shotgun, lead, balls, shot, one tent, five sickles, ten hoes, four hand
saws, one broadaxe, one adz, one fine saw, one crosscut saw, one
spade, sixteen camp kettles, two frying pans, eight spoons, nine tin
pans, ten plates, and three coffee pots.
The several accounts of camp equipage, arms, and repairs, and saddling, owing to reports from proper officers not being full on those accounts, and the transactions of the disbursing officers are yet unsettled, renders it impossible to state the precise amount of articles lost and worn out in the service, consequently prevents at present being stated the amount paid by each. There are vouchers in this office covering the total amount of cash when added to the amount in hand.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
On the sixteenth of February, 1849, Governor Aber- nethy approved an act passed by the provisional legisla ture, entitled "An act to provide for the final settlement of the claims against the Oregon government for and on account of the Cayuse war." The act appointed a board of commissioners, consisting of Thomas Magruder, Samuel Burch, and Wesley Shannon, whose duty it was to exam ine and adjust these claims; said commissioners to receive five dollars a day u for every day necessarily so employed," and to meet on the first Monday in every month, remaining in session " as long as there was any business before them ;" the last meeting to be held on the first Monday in the fol lowing November. 16
w Fort Lee at The Dalles, is Oregon Archives, MS. 1050.