and Jefferson Davis, two government vessels in Puget sound, for arms, and obtained them, and the Washington volunteers were stationed at various points west of the Cascades for the defense of the settlements, except one company organized to go to the relief of Governor Stevens, still in the Blackfoot country.
Although Governor Curry did not refuse to furnish Rains the four companies asked for, being satisfied that a hostile combination existed among the Indians throughout the northwest, he issued his proclamation October eleventh for eight companies, to act independently of, but in conjunction with Major Rains, which companies he placed in the field as rapidly as they were armed and supplied. The following is the governor's proclamation:—
The following named counties are expected to make up the number of men wanted, and in order to facilitate operations the subjoined named gentlemen are respectfully requested to act as enrolling officers in their respective counties:
Multnomah county, one company, Shubrick Norris; Clackamas county, one company, A. F. Hedges; Washington county, one company, W. S. Caldwell; Yamhill county, one company, A. J. Hembree; Marion county, one company, L. F. Grover; Polk county, one company, Fred Waymire; Linn county, one company, L. S. Helm; Wasco county, one company, O. Humason. The last named company will organize at The Dalles, and report in writing to the adjutant-general.
Our fellow-citizens who may be in possession of arms, rifles, muskets, and revolvers, are most earnestly desired to turn them over