naturally royal in these Haarfagr Kings. A wildly
great kind of kindred; counts in it two Heroes of a
high, or almost highest, type: the first two Olafs,
Tryggveson and the Saint. And the view of them,
withal, as we chance to have it, I have often thought,
how essentially Homeric it was: — indeed what is
'Homer' himself but the Rhapsody of five centuries
of Greek Skalds and wandering Ballad-singers, done
{i.e. 'stitched together') by somebody more musical
than Snorro was? Olaf Tryggveson and Olaf Saint
please me quite as well in their prosaic form; offering
me the truth of them as if seen in their real lineaments by some marvellous opening (through the art
of Snorro) across the black strata of the ages. Two
high, almost among the highest sons of Nature, seen
as they veritably were; fairly comparable or superior
to god-like Achilleus, goddess-wounding Diomedes,
much more to the two Atreidai, Regulators of the
I have also thought often what a Book might be
made of Snorro, did there but arise a man furnished with due literary insight, and indefatigable diligence; who, faithfully acquainting himself with the topo-
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