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Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/15

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Marvin, F. S.

Matheson, P. E., M.A.

Mathieson, Thomas C.

Maude, T. J.

Mavor, Professor.

McCankie, James.

McCantire, J.

McDonnell, James.

McDonnell, Wfiliam D.

McNiel, Henry.

Meade, R. H.

Medley, George Webb.

Menger, Professor Carl.

Messedaglia, Professor.

Michie, H. S.

Millington, F. H.

Milner, A.

Milnes, Alfred, M.A.

Milne, Harold B.

Minto, Professor William, M.A.

Mitchell, W. D.

Moenich, Oscar.

Moffet, President T. W.

Molteno, Percy Alport.

Monck, W. H. S.

Montague, F. C., M.A.

Montagu, Samuel, M.P.

Moodie, John, B.A.

Moring, Alexander.

Morley, the Right Hon. John, M.P., M.A.

Morrison, J.

Morrison, Rev. W. Douglas.

Mouat, Frederic John, M.D., F.R.C.S.,


Moulton, John Fletcher, Q.C., F. R.S., M. A.

Mozley, John Rickards.

Mugliston, Rev. John, M.A.

Mummery. A. F., F.R.G.S.

Munro, Professor J.E.C., LL.D.

Murray, George H., B.A.

Murray, G. C. A., B.A.

Naoroji, Dadabhai.

Neever, Richard.

Neill, Tom.

Nelson, Francis G. P., F.I.A.

Nelson, N. O.

Nicholson, Professor Joseph Shield, M.A.,


Nicholson, Sir Arthur, K.C.I.E., K.C.M.G.

Nisbet, Edward T.

Oakeshott, J. F.

O'Connor, D.

O'Conor, J. E., C.I.E.

Oliver, Roderic, M.A.

Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, F.R.S.

Palliser, Arthur, Junr.

Patrich, Rev. William, D.D.

Paul, John D., F.G.S.

Peace, J. B., M.A.

Peto, Sir Henry, B.A.

Phear, Sir J. B.

Phelps, Rev. Lancelot Ridley, M.A.

Herson, Dr. N. G.

Pike, A. W.

Pilcher, Giles Theodore, M.A.

Pittar, Thomas J.

Playfair, Right Hon. Sir Lyon, K.C.B.,

F.R.S., M.P.

Pochin, Henry D.

Pocock, Charles W.

Porter, Rev. James, D.D.

Powell, Francis Sharp, M.P.

Power, J. Danvers.

Power, J. H.

Pownall, George H.

Price, L. L., M.A.

Proctor, W.

Provand, A.

Provand, Andrew Dryburgh, M.P.

Puller, C. Cholmeley, M.A.

Pulling, Professor F. S., M.A.

Pulsalhy, Augustus.

Pycroft, Miss.

Quelch, Robert James, M. Inst. C.E.

Radcliffe, F. M.

Rae, John. M.A.

Raffalovitch, Arthur.

Ramsay, Grant.

Ramson, Arthur.

Rathbone, W., M.P., B.A.

Rawson, Sir Rawson W., K.C.M.G., C.B.

Reay, the Right Hon. Lord, LL.D.

Revis, G. W.

Reshid Bey.

Rew, R. Henry.

Rhodes, John G., L.C.C.

Rhodes, Dr. John Wilson.

Rhodes, Miss E.

Richards, H., M.A.

Ritchie, David

Roberts, R. D., D.Sc.

Robertson, J. M.

Robinson, Alfred, M.A.

Robinson, W. E. C.

Roger, Hugh.

Rollit, Sir Albert Kaye, M.P., LL.D.,


Roscoe, H. W. K.

Ross, Gordon.

Rossiter, J. J.

Rotton, John Francis, M.A., LL.D.

Ruscoe, John.

Rusher, Edward A.

Russell, R. James.

Sadler, M. E., M.A.

Sams, Rev. G. F., M.A.

Samuelson, Sir Bernhard, Bart., M.P.,


Sandeman, Albert G.

Sanger, Charles Percy.

Sargant, C. H., M.A.

Saxton, Major-General G. H.

Scherzer, Dr. Karl Ritter von.

Schloss, David Frederick, M.A.

Schmidt, Hermann.

Schmoller, Professor Gustav.

Scholes, Councillor.

Soholes, Thomas Aldcroft.

Schwab, J. C., M.A., Ph.D.

Seebohm, Frederic.

Selby, Prideaux.

Seyd, Ernest.

Sharp, Charles.

Shaw, G. Bernard.

Shepheard, Wallwyn Poyer B., M.A.

Sheppard, W. F., M.A.