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Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/75

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Tenure (owned, money rental, rented on shares). Acres of land (total, improved, unimproved). Artesian wells. Farm values (of farm including land, fences, and buildings; of implements and machinery; of live stock). Cost of fences built in 1889. Cost of fertilizers purchased in 1889. Labour (amount paid for wages in 1889, weeks of hired labour, white and coloured). Value of all farm products for 1889. Forest products. Grass lands and forage crops. Sugar (cane, sorghum, maple, beet). Cereals (barley, buckwheat, Indian corn, oats, rye, wheat). Rice. Tobacco. Peas and beans. Peanuts. Hops. Fibre (cotton, flax, hemp). Broom corn. Horses, mules, and asses. Sheep. Wool. Goats. Dogs. Neat cattle. Dairy products. Swine. Poultry. Bees. Nurseries. Onions. Potatoes. Market gardens and small fruits. Vegetables and fruits for canning. Orchards (apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, other fruits). Vineyards.

Under each of these items several questions are asked, as for instance under wheat: Acres, crop, amount sold, value sold. There are 255 subdivisions in this schedule. Of course no single farm would need them all, and the schedule is made so as to be used for a cotton plantation in the South, a wheat farm, a kitchen garden, or a stock farm. Each schedule (four pages, 11 by 15) has space for ten farms, and is filled out by the snumerator.

General Schedule No. 3.—Statistics of Manufactures. One schedule is sent to each establishment, and the questions are grouped as follows: 1. Name of corporation, firm, or individual. 2. Date when this establishment commenced operations. 3. Name of business or kind of goods manufactured. 4. Capital invested (land, buildings, machinery, tools and implements, raw materials, stock on hand, cash and credit capital, allowance for depreciation of plant). 5. Miscellaneous items (amount paid for rent, power, heat, taxes, insurance, repairs, commissions, &c.). 6. Labour and wages (officers and firm members, clerks or salesmen, watchmen, labourers, &c., piecework, classified wage list, employees classified by sex and age). 7. Materials used. 8. Goods manufactured. 9. Months in operation. 10. Number of hours in the ordinary day of labour. 11. Power used in manufacture. 12. If any coloured persons have capital invested in this establishment, state how many and the amount of capital. There are not less than 55 subdivisions under these items, while under the headings 'material used' and 'goods manufactured,' the number of different items can be indefinitely increased.

General Schedule No. 5.—Mortality. The schedule comprises the following questions: Name, colour, sex, age, conjugal condition, place of birth, ditto of father and mother, occupation, whether born in the census year and month of birth, disease or cause of death, length of time a resident of the county, name of place where disease was contracted if other than the place of death, name of attending physician, whether person who died was an insane person or an idiot, whether the person who died was a soldier, sailor, or marine during the civil war.

Supplemental Schedules.—No. 1. Insanity. No. 2. Feeble-minded-