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phallus"; the second has the head of a man, and is called
, Akhabit; and the third has the head of a jackal, and is called Nebt-ta-tcheser,
12. The god Osiris Un-nefer,
, in mummy form, wearing the crown of the South. 13. The god Khui,
, who holds in each hand a long lotus-topped sceptre surmounted by a star.
Second Hour. Lower Register. Gods Nos. 9--15.
14. The two-headed god (Horus-Set?) called Hrȧ-f-ā-f,
15. The god Ḥeru-ḥen,
16, 17. Two gods, each holding in his left hand the sign of life inverted; their names are Ḥun,
, and Ḥetchetchtu,