Page:The Eight-Oared Victors.djvu/25

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"Hello, you fellows!" called Dave Ogden, who was acting as the coxswain of the shell, waving his megaphone at them. "Out for practice?" and he grinned as he looked at the heavy barge.

"Yes, we're getting ready to order a new shell," answered Tom.

"Ha! Ha! That's pretty good. Maybe you think you can beat us rowing!" and Dave looked not a little proudly at the eight lads whose efforts he had been directing. They had been out for a spin on the lake, and were now coming back rather leisurely.

"We will beat you—some day!" declared Frank.

"Maybe you'd better not tell them about our shell until we get it," suggested Tom, in a low voice.

"Oh, they'll have to know It some time or other," declared Frank. "It will be all over the college in a day or so, and Boxer Hall is sure to learn of it. Besides, I want to get things stirred