Page:The Eight-Oared Victors.djvu/45

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a bit slow about making cracks. It might not be altogether healthy!" and the eyes of the Big Californian glowed.

"But I tell you it's a big loss!" went on the man. "I must find the things—money won't pay for them!"

"Now suppose we go at this thing systematically," suggested Frank, his chums, by common consent, letting him assume the leadership. "We don't any of us know you, except that we all recall seeing you land on the main shore in your motorboat a day or so ago. It was this same boat, I take it."

"The same," answered the man. "And now——"

"Wait," suggested Frank, holding up his hand. "As for us, we're Randall College students, as you can easily verify. We'll give you our names—fellows, cards," and Frank handed over one of his own, the others doing the same.

"That's all right," spoke the man, in half-sullen tones; "but that isn't going to bring back my stuff."

"Do you think we took it?" snapped Frank, and there was a warning glint in his eyes.

"No—not exactly—but you lads were at my boat, you say, and this is the first time I've seen it since I left it with those cups and other valuables in."