Page:The Elementary Worker and his Work.djvu/70

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""Come! Come! People, come!
This is the bells' message to me, to you;
Come! Come! All may come!
Fathers and mothers and children, too."

With their arms they can represent the ringing of the bell. After the song they may play going to church by walking quietly about the room.

Lesson StoryWhen they have reached the church, all sit quietly till the piano suggests the- prayer, and then a prayer song follows. S°Me other songs may also be sung. Then the lesson story is given. Usually it will be well to follow the conclusion of the lesson with a simple prayer directly bearing on the lesson, and perhaps a song may express the truth taught.

Lesson Emphasized by Handiwork(c) Handwork. If time and equipment permit the children may now do some simple handwork, which will emphasize the lesson taught. Pasting and crude drawing are often possible in connection with thelesson. For instance, if the Beginners' lesson was on helpfulness, the children may paste or draw something suggestive of helpfulness, such as a broom, indicative of a way that a child can help mother. Any handwork which is planned for the Beginners must be extremely simple.

(d) Circle games and good-bye. The lesson may further be emphasized by other activities. As previously indicated, some phase of the lesson may be dramatized. Other Post-Lesson ActivitiesIf the lesson has suggested things in nature, such as birds or flowers, the children may be birds or flowers, the birds with spreading wings, flying among the flowers. If the lesson is on helpfulness, the children may play "house," each member of the family having some specific work to do, perhaps to help in making ready for going to church. Whatever form of expression is used, it must be in line with the thought of the lesson.

After a good-bye song the children put on their