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(2) Elizabeth, d. of Sir Richard Morison and wid. of William Norreys, after 1579; Kt. 29 Sept. 1553; succ. as 2nd Earl, 16 Jan. 1585; ob. 29 Sept. 1616.

Players serving the Lord Admiral were at Winchester in 1566-7. A company under the name of the Earl of Lincoln and led by Laurence Dutton played at Court during the Christmas of 1572-3, and a company under that of Lord Clinton, and also led by Dutton, in Herpetulus the Blue Knight and Perobia on 3 January 1574, and on 27 December 1574 and 2 January 1575. For 1574-5 they rehearsed three plays, one of which was Pretestus. Probably these are the same company transferred by the Lord Admiral to his son. Dutton was with Sir Robert Lane's men in 1571-2 and with the Earl of Warwick's in 1575-6. The whole company may have taken service with Lincoln instead of Lane as a result of the statute of 1572 (App. D, No. xxiv), but it does not seem to have been altogether absorbed in Warwick's, as Lord Clinton's men are found at Southampton on 24 June 1577, when they were six in number, at Bristol in July, and at Coventry in 1576-7. A later company under the name of the Earl of Lincoln has a purely provincial record in 1599-1604. There is an isolated notice at Norwich in 1608-9.


Ambrose Dudley, 3rd s. of John, 1st Duke of Northumberland; nat. c. 1528; m. (1) Anne Whorwood, (2) Elizabeth Talboys, c. 1553, (3) Anne, d. of Francis, Earl of Bedford, 11 Nov. 1565; Master of Ordnance, 12 Apr. 1560; Earl of Warwick, 26 Dec. 1561; Chief Butler of England, 4 May 1571; Privy Councillor, 5 Sept. 1573; ob. 20 Feb. 1590.

Dudley seems to have had players in London in January 1562, when they were rewarded by the Duchess of Suffolk.[1] They are also found in 1559-64 at Oxford, Gloucester, Bristol, Plymouth, Winchester, Dover, Canterbury, and Norwich. Their only Court performances upon record were two during the Christmas of 1564-5. In 1564-5 they were apparently at Canterbury.[2]

After an interval of ten years there are Warwick's men at Court on 14 February 1575 and also at Stratford in the course of 1574-5, at Lichfield between 27 July and 3 August during the progress,[3] and at Leicester before 29 September 1575. At the following Christmas they gave three plays at Court,

  1. Ancaster MSS. (Hist. MSS.) 466.
  2. Hist. MSS. ix. 1. 156. The payment is given as to the Earl of 'Waffyts' men.
  3. Nichols, Eliz. i. 531.