Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/173

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the daye a bove written vntell Sraftid next come ij yeares to playe in my howsse & in no other a bowte London publickely yf he do with owt my consent to forfet vnto me this some of money a bove written wittnes to this

E Alleyn
W^m Borne
Dicke Jonnes
Robarte Shawe
John Synger

vii. (William Kendall)

Memorandum that this 8^{th} of December 1597 my father Philyp Hinshlow hierd as a covenauant servant Willyam Kendall for ij years after the statute of Winchester with ij single penc a to geue hym for his sayd servis everi week of his playng in London x^s & in the cuntrie v^s for the which he covenaunteth for the space of those ij years to be redye att all tymes to play in the howse of the sayd Philyp & in no other during the said terme.

Wittnes my self the writer of this
E Alleyn.

viii. (James Bristow)

Bought my boye Jeames Brystow of William Agusten player the 18 of Desember 1597 for viij^{ll}.

ix. (Richard Alleyn)

Memorandom that this 25 of Marche 1598 Richard Alleyne came & bownde hime seallfe vnto me for ij yeares in & asumsette as a hiered servante with ij syngell pence & to contenew frome the daye aboue written vnto the eand & tearme of ij yeares yf he do not performe this covenant then he to forfette for the breache of yt fortye powndes & wittnes to this

W^m Borne.
Thomas Dowton.
Gabrell Spencer.
Robart Shawe.
Richard Jonnes.

x. (Thomas Heywood)

Memorandom that this 25 of Marche 1598 Thomas Hawoode came and hiered hime seallfe with me as a covenante searvante for ij yeares by the receuenge of ij syngell pence acordinge to the statute of Winshester & to begine at the daye a boue written & not to playe any wher publicke a bowt London not whille these ij yeares be expired but in my howsse yf he do then he doth forfett vnto me by the receuinge of these ij^d fortie powndes & wittnes to this

Antony Monday
Gabrell Spencer
Robart Shawe
Richard Alleyn.
W^m Borne
Thomas Dowton
Richard Jonnes.