Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/186

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new plays. These, with the names of their authors, were:

Mother Redcap (Drayton and Munday).
Phaethon (Dekker).
1 Robin Hood (Munday).
2 Robin Hood (Chettle and Munday).
The Triangle of Cuckolds (Dekker).[1]
The Welshman's Prize, or, The Famous Wars of Henry I and the Prince of Wales (Chettle, Dekker, and Drayton).[2]
1 Earl Godwin and his Three Sons (Chettle, Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson).
2 Earl Godwin and his Three Sons (Chettle, Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson).
King Arthur (Hathway).
Love Prevented (Porter).[3]
A Woman will have her Will (Haughton).
1 Black Bateman of the North (Chettle, Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson).
2 Black Bateman of the North (Chettle and Wilson).
The Madman's Morris (Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson).
The Funeral of Richard Cœur de Lion (Chettle, Drayton, Munday, and Wilson).
Hannibal and Hermes (Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson).[4]
Valentine and Orson (Hathway and Munday).

There is evidence of the actual performance of Mother Redcap, Phaethon (January), 1 and 2 Robin Hood (March), 1 Earl Godwin (April), King Arthur (May), 2 Earl Godwin (June), 1 Black Bateman (June). Properties were bought for The Madman's Morris in July, and the next season probably opened with it. To the new plays must be added Friar Spendleton, produced as 'ne' on 31 October, and Dido and Aeneas. A loan of 30s. on 8 January 'when they fyrst played Dido at nyght' suggests a supper, not a night performance. Either play may have been purchased at the end of 1596-7, or may have come from Pembroke's stock. The same applies to Branholt and Alice Pierce, which were probably new when properties were purchased for them in November and December. The company also bought on 12 December two jigs

  1. So called in the book-inventory; in the diary it is Triplicity of
  2. The first name appears in the inventory, the second in the diary.
  3. Only £4 was paid 'to by a boocke', which is low for a new play and
    high for an old one. Possibly Porter was in debt to the company.
  4. Once described as 'other wisse called worsse feared then hurte',
    whence Dr. Greg infers that the 1598-9 play of that name was a second
    part of it.