Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/254

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Norwich;[1] between 3 and 29 September 1614 at Dover; in 1614-15 at Barnstaple and Doncaster (perhaps twice); on 15 April 1615 at Coventry; in April or May 1615 at Leicester; on 6 May 1615 at Norwich;[2] on 16 October 1615 and again later in 1615 and on 22 February 1616 at Leicester;[3] on 7 November 1615 at Marlborough; in 1615-16 at Barnstaple, Dunwich (thrice), Southampton, and Weymouth; in January 1616 at Nottingham; between 20 January and 17 February 1616 and between 11 May and 8 June at Dover; on 17 February 1616 at Coventry; on 22 February 1616 at Leicester; between 1 and 6 April (four days) and on 29 May 1616 at Norwich;[4] on 26 October 1616 at Marlborough; and on 6 February 1617 and again later in 1617 at Leicester.[5]

There were thus tours in each year, which sometimes extended over periods during which the London theatres must have been open. The Leicester notices of 1608, 1615, and 1617 suggest that more than one company was at work, and the explanation certainly is that some of the players named in the patent, instead of joining the London organization, had recourse to making up companies of their own for provincial purposes. Of this there is further evidence. The Southampton archives contain a copy of the following warrant from Queen Anne herself, dated on 7 March 1606:[6]of Aprill Anno Septimo Jacobi whereby hee & others are authorised to play as the Quenes men, vidz. Thomas Grene, Christofer Breston [? Beeston], Thomas Haywood, Richard Pyrkyns, Rob^t. Pallant, Tho. Swynnerton, John Duke, Robt. Lee, James Hoult, & Robt. Breston [? Beeston].']

  1. Murray, ii. 340, from Mayor's Court Books (18 April 1614), 'Swynnerton one of the Quenes players in the name of himselfe & the rest of his company desyred leaue to play in the cytty accordinge to his Maiesties Lettres patents shewed forth. And M^r Maior & Court moved them to play onely on Wednesday, Thursday & Fryday in Easter weke.'
  2. Murray, ibid. (6 May 1615), 'Thomas Swynnerton produced this day Letters Patents dated the x^{th} [? xv^{th}
  3. Kelly, 252, 'Item given to the Queenes Maiesties Highnes Playors xl^s. . . . Item the xvj^{th} daye of October Given to the Queenes Playors xl^s. Item given to one other Companye of the Queenes Playors xxx^s.'
  4. Murray, ii. 340 (30 March 1616), 'A Patent was this day brought into the Court by Thomas Swynerton made to Thomas Grene . . . & Robert Beeston Servants to Quene Anne & the rest of their associats bearing Teste xv^o Aprilis Anno Septimo Jacobi. But the said Swynerton confesseth that hee himselfe & Robert Lee only are here to play the rest are absent. . . .'; (29 May 1616), 'Thomas Swynerton came this day into the Court & affirmed himselfe to be one of the players to the Quenes Maiestie & bringinge with him no patent desyred to haue leaue to play here . . . the same company had liberty to play here at Easter last. . . .' Leave was refused on this occasion.
  5. Kelly, 253, 'Item the sixt of Februarye given to the Queenes Playors. Item given to one other Companye of the Queenes Playors'.
  6. Hist. MSS. xi. 3. 26.