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Ludovic Stuart, s. of Esmé, 1st Duke of Lennox; cousin and until 1594 heir presumptive of James; nat. 29 Sept. 1574; succ. as 2nd Duke, 26 May 1583; Gentleman of Bedchamber, 1603; Earl of Richmond, 6 Oct. 1613; Lord Steward, Nov. 1615; Duke of Richmond, 17 Aug. 1623; o.s.p. 16 Feb. 1624. The first notice of Lennox's men is on 13 October 1604, when he gave an open warrant of assistance in their behalf addressed to mayors, justices, and other local officers, some of whom had apparently refused the company permission to play (App. D, no. cxxxvii). On 16 March 1605 Francis Henslowe gave his uncle Philip a bond of £60 to observe articles of an agreement he had entered into with John Garland and Abraham Savere 'his ffellowes, servantes to the most noble Prince the duke of Lennox'; and on 1 March 1605 Savere had given Francis Henslowe a power of attorney to recover £40 on a forfeited bond from John Garland of 'the ould forde', securing delivery of a warrant made to Savere by Lennox (Henslowe Papers, 62). Some other traces point to a connexion between Savere and Francis Henslowe, which was ended by the latter's death in the middle of 1606 (Henslowe, ii. 277), and an undated loan of £7 by Philip Henslowe to his nephew 'to goyne with owld Garlland and Symcockes and Saverey when they played in the duckes nam at ther laste goinge owt' (Henslowe, i. 160) makes it possible to add one more to the list of the company. It does not seem to have played in London, but is traceable at Canterbury in 1603-4, Barnstaple, Coventry, and Norwich in 1604-5, and Coventry again in 1607-8. Both Garland and Henslowe had been Queen Elizabeth's men, and it is possible that, when these men were left stranded by her death in 1603, they found a new patron in Lennox. John Garland had joined the Duke of York's men by 1610, and it has been suggested that this company may have been a continuation of Lennox's. xxiii. THE DUKE OF YORK'S (PRINCE CHARLES'S) MEN The Duke of York's Men (1608-12); The Prince's Men (1612-16)

Charles, 2nd s. of James I; nat. 19 Nov. 1600; Duke of Albany, 23 Dec. 1600; Duke of York, 16 Jan. 1605; Prince of Wales, 3 Nov. 1616; afterwards (27 Mar. 1625) Charles I.

[Bibliographical Note.—The documents bearing on the relations of the Duke of York's men with Alleyn are printed by W. W. Greg in Henslowe