Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/269

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Also vppon the departure of one Eglestone a ffellowe of the Companie
hee recovered of him 14^{ll} towardes his debt which is in Conscience
likewise to bee allowed to the Companie 14^{ll}:

In March 1613 hee makes vpp a Companie and buies apparrell of one
Rosseter to the value of 63^{ll}, and valued the ould stocke that remayned
in his handes at 63^{ll}, likewise they vppon his word acceptinge the same
at that rate, which being prized by M^r. Daborne iustlie, betweene his
partner Meade and him, Came but to 40^{ll}: soe heare growes due to
the Companie 23^{ll}:

Item hee agrees with the said Companie that they should enter bond
to plaie with him for three yeares att such house and houses as hee
shall appointe and to allowe him halfe galleries for the said house
and houses, and the other halfe galleries towardes his debt of 126^{ll},
and other such moneys as hee should laie out for playe apparrell
duringe the space of the said 3 yeares, agreeinge with them in Consideration
theareof to seale each of them a bond of 200^{ll} to find them
a Convenient house and houses, and to laie out such moneies as fower
of the sharers should think fitt for theire vse in apparrell, which att
the 3 yeares, being paid for, to be deliuered to the sharers; whoe
accordinglie entered the said bondes; but M^r. Henchlowe and M^r.
Mead deferred the same, an[d] in Conclusion vtterly denied to seale
att all.

Item M^r. Hinchlowe havinge promised in Consideracion of the Companies
lying still one daie in forteene for his baytinge to give them 50^s,
hee havinge denied to bee bound as aforesaid gave them onlie 40^s, and
for that M^r. Feild would not Consent therevnto hee gave him soe
much as his share out of 50^{ll} would have Come vnto; by which meanes
hee is dulie indebted to the Companie x^{ll}:

In June followinge the said agreement, hee brought in M^r. Pallant and
short[l]ie after M^r. Dawes into the said Companie, promisinge one 12^s
a weeke out of his part of the galleries, and the other 6^s a weeke out
of his parte of the galleries; and because M^r. Feild was thought not
to bee drawne therevnto, hee promissed him six shillinges weekelie
alsoe; which in one moneth after vnwilling to beare soe greate a
Charge, he Called the Companie together, and told them that this
24^s was to bee Charged vppon them, threatninge those which would
not Consent therevnto to breake the Companie and make vpp a newe
without the[m]. Whearevppon knowinge hee was not bound, the three-quarters
sharers advauncinge them selves to whole shares Consented
therevnto, by which meanes they are out of purse 30^{ll}, and his parte
of the galleries bettred twise as much 30^{ll}:

Item havinge 9 gatherers more then his due itt Comes to this yeare
from the Companie 10^{ll}:

Item the Companie paid for [Arra]s and other properties 40^{ll}, which
Mr. Henchlow deteyneth 40^{ll}:

In Februarie last 1614 perceav[ing]e the Companie drewe out of his
debt and Called vppon him for his accompts hee brooke the Companie