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of 'M^r Attowel's Jigge: betweene Francis, a Gentleman; Richard, a farmer; and their wives', printed in A. Clark, Shirburn Ballads, lxi (H. ii. 240; B. 147).

ATTWELL (OTTEWELL), HUGH. Revels, 1609; Lady Elizabeth's, 1613; Charles's, 1616-21; ob. 25 September 1621.

AUGUSTEN (AGUSTEN), WILLIAM. A 'player', from whom Henslowe bought his 'boy' Bristow in 1597 (H. ii. 240).

AYNSWORTH, JOHN. A 'player' buried at St. Leonard's 28 September 1581 (B. 153).

BAKER, HARRY. Performer of Vertumnus in Summer's Last Will and Testament, 1567.

BANASTER, GILBERT. Master of Chapel, 1478-83 (?).

BARFIELD, ROGER. Anne's, 1606. His d. Isabell was baptized at St. Giles's on 2 January 1611, and his d. Susan buried there on 3 July 1614 (B. 157).

BARKER. Vide Arkinstall.

BARKSTED (BACKSTEAD), WILLIAM. King's Revels (?), 1607; Revels, 1609; Lady Elizabeth's, 1611, 1613; Charles's, 1616; also a dramatist (cf. ch. xxiii) and a poet. His Poems, edited by A. B. Grosart as Part II of Choice Rarities of Ancient English Poetry (1876), were Myrrha (1607), which has commendatory verses by his kinsman Robert Glover and I. W., Lewes Machin, and William Bagnall, and Hiren (1611), which has sonnets to Henry Earl of Oxford, and Elizabeth Countess of Derby. On the title-page he describes himself as 'one of the servants of his Maiesties Revels'. The surmise of Fleay, i. 29, that this was repeated from an earlier edition of c. 1607 now lost may receive some confirmation from the connexion of Machin with the King's Revels; but it must also be remembered that the Whitefriars Revels' company appears to be occasionally described as the King's Revels in provincial records of c. 1611. A trivial anecdote of him is in J. Taylor, Wit and Mirth (1629).

BARNE, WILLIAM. Admiral's, 1602.

BARRY, DAVID (LORD). Whitefriars lessee, 1608, and dramatist.

BARTLE (?). Alexander Bartle, son of '—— a player', was baptized at St. Saviour's on 27 February 1603 (B. 165).

BARTON, ONESIPHORUS. A 'player', buried at St. Giles's on 9 March 1608 (B. 167).

BASSE, THOMAS. Lady Elizabeth's, 1611, 1613; Anne's, 1617-19.

BAXTER, ROBERT. Chapel, 1601; Lady Elizabeth's (?), 1613. Greg, H. P. 58, 87, however, thinks that the 'Baxter' of 1613, whose Christian name is not given, may be Barksted. Neither man is likely to have written the 'Baxsters tragedy' of 1602 (H. P. 58).

BAYLYE, THOMAS. Shrewsbury's (provincial), 1581. J. Hunter, Hallamshire 80, and Murray, ii. 388, print from College of Arms, Talbot MS. G. f. 74, a Latin letter written by him to Thomas Bawdewin from Sheffield on 25 April 1581, in which he mentions a brother William, thanks him for a tragedy played by the company on St. George's day, and begs him to procure 'librum aliquem brevem, novum, iucundum, venustum, lepidum, hilarem, scurrosum, nebulosum,