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HOLE, RICHARD. Interluders, 1526-30.

HOLLAND, J. Strange's (?), 1590-1.

HOLT, JAMES. Anne's, 1604-19.

HOLT, JOHN. A 'momer', who helped the Westminster boys in 1561, probably identical with the Yeoman of the Revels of that name (cf. ch. iii), who helped them in 1564-5.

HOLZHEW, BEHRENDT. Germany, 1614-15.

HOVELL, WILLIAM. Licensee for 2 King's Revels, 1615.

HOWARD, THOMAS. A 'player' named in St. Saviour's records c. 1600 (Rendle, Bankside, xxvi).

HUDSON, RICHARD. Weaver of Hutton Bushell, Yorks, unlicensed player, 1612 (cf. ch. ix, p. 305).

HÜLL, JOHN. Germany, 1600-1.

HUNNIS, JOHN. A 'ghost-name' by an error for the following.

HUNNIS, WILLIAM. Master of Chapel, 1566-97, and dramatist.

HUNT (HONTE), THOMAS. Admiral's, 1599, 1602; Lady Elizabeth's, 1611 (H. ii. 285).

HUNTLEY, DICK. Actor in Summer's Last Will and Testament (vide l. 14).

HUSE, RICHARD. Paul's chorister, >1582.

IVY, NICHOLAS. Chapel, 1509.

JEFFES, ANTHONY. Chamberlain's (?), 1597; Pembroke's, 1597; Admiral's-Henry's, 1597->1613. Anthony, son of Richard Jeffes, baptized at St. Saviour's, Southwark, on 14 December 1578, may be the same who married Faith Jones there on 19 February 1601. Children of Anthony Jeffes 'player' are recorded in the registers of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, from 11 June 1602 to 1 May 1609; in later entries from 30 May 1610 to 30 October 1616, Anthony is called 'brewer' (H. ii. 286; Bodl.).

JEFFES, HUMPHREY. Chamberlain's (?), 1597; Pembroke's, 1597; Admiral's-Henry's-Palsgrave's, 1597-1616<. He was buried at St. Giles's, 21 August 1618. A daughter Mary was baptized at St. Saviour's, 25 January 1601 (H. ii. 287; Collier, Actors, xxx).

JOHNSON, WILLIAM. Leicester's, 1572-4; Queen's, 1583, 1587-8. The baptismal entries at St. Giles's include on 10 February 1587 'Comedia, base-borne daughter of Alice Bowker, and, as she saithe, the father's name is William Johnson, one of the Queen's plaiers', and the burials on 3 March 1593 'Comedia, daughter of William Johnson, player'. Is he the William Johnson, vintner, who was trustee of Shakespeare's Blackfriars property 1613-18 (Lee, 459, 493)?

JONES, RICHARD. Worcester's, 1583; Admiral's (?), >1589; Germany, 1592-3; Admiral's, 1594-6; Pembroke's, 1597; Admiral's, 1597-1602; Revels patentee, 1610; Germany (?), 1615; Germany, 1620, 1622-4. His wife Harris inherited a lease of the Leopard's Head in Shoreditch from her father in 1620. A Richard Jones is traceable in the Southwark token-books from 1588 to 1607 and may or may not be the same who married Anne Jube there on 14 February 1602 (H. ii. 288; H. P. 94; Bodl.).

JONES, ROBERT. Germany, 1602; Porter's Hall patentee, 1615.