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  • wark, in which he dwelt, held with other tenements of the late Francis

Langley; also his brothers John and William Pope, and his mother Agnes Webbe. This hardly justifies Collier in connecting him with the Webbes of Snitterfield, Shakespeare's kin. Bazell Nicholl, scrivener, and John Wrench, are left executors. As in 1612 a sixth of the Globe was in the hands of Basil Nicoll and John and Mary Edmonds, it is probable that John Edmonds married Mary Clark. It appears from the Southwark token-books that one Pope lived in Blamer's Rents during 1593, in Wrench's Rents during 1595, and in Mr. Langley's New Rents during 1596, 1598, 1600, and 1602.[1] Dr. Greg thinks that Thomas Pope, rather than a Morgan Pope who also had interests in Southwark, was the 'Mr. Pope' with whom Henslowe had an interview on 25 June 1603, 'at the scryveners shope wher he lisse', concerning the renewal of the lease of the Rose.[2] But Thomas Pope clearly lived in his own house. Collier (Actors, xxxvi) gives a marriage of a Thomas Pope and Elizabeth Baly at St. Botolph's on 20 December 1584, but the indications of the will do not suggest a married man. William Smith complains that 'Pope the player would have no other armes but the armes of Sir Thomas Pope, Chancelor of y^e Augmentations'.[3] Heywood mentions the 'deserts' of Pope in his Apology. He is included in the actor-list of the First Folio Shakespeare.

POWLTON, THOMAS. Worcester's, 1584.

PRICE, JOHN. Musician in Germany, 1609.

PRICE (PRYOR?), RICHARD. Admiral's-Henry's-Palsgrave's, 1600 (?), 1610, 1613, 1622. He lived in White Cross Street in 1623, and records of his children are in the registers of St. Giles, Cripplegate, from 1620 to 1627, where he is variously entered as 'gentleman', 'yeoman', and 'player' (J. 348; Bodl.).

PROCTOR. Admiral's, 1599.

PRUN, PETER DE. Germany, 1594. He was of Brussels.

PUDSEY, EDWARD. Germany, 1626. He was presumably the owner of the manuscript note-book from which extracts are given in R. Savage, Stratford upon Avon Notebooks (1888), i; cf. ch. xxiii, s.v. Chapman, Blind Beggar of Alexandria.

PULHAM, GEORGE. Anne's, 1612.

PYE, JOHN. A 'momer', whose son Samuel was baptized at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, on 28 May 1559 (Bodl.).

PYK (PIK, PYGE, PIGGE), JOHN. Strange's, 1593; Admiral's, 1597-9 (H. ii. 303).

PYKMAN, PHILIP. Chapel, 1600-1.

RADSTONE, JOHN. A London player in 1550 (cf. App. D, No. v).

RASTALL, WILLIAM. Chapel manager, 1602. He died in 1608.

RAWLYNS, JOHN. A London player in 1550 (cf. App. D, No. v).

READE, EMANUEL. Lady Elizabeth's, 1613; Anne's, 1613 (?)-17.

READING, WILLIAM. Interluders, 1559-63 (cf. App. D, No. v).

REASON, GILBERT. Charles's, 1610, 1616, 1625.

  1. Collier, iii. 358; Rendle, Bankside, xxvi.
  2. Henslowe, i. 178; ii. 303.
  3. Cf. s.v. Phillips.