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admitted to a share in 1605 or later. On 9 August 1608, between the date of his will and that of his death, he was granted a lease of a seventh share in the Blackfriars, and this his executrix afterwards surrendered to Richard Burbadge.[1] Heywood names Sly (c. 1608) amongst other dead players, whose 'deserts' he commemorates.

SMITH, ANTONY. Charles's, 1616, 1625.

SMITH, JOHN. Interluders, c. 1547-80. Is he the John Smith who assisted George Ferrers as Lord of Misrule in 1552-3 (Feuillerat, Edw. and Mary, 120)?

SMITH, JOHN. Revels, 1609.

SMYGHT, WILLIAM. A 'player' who witnessed a loan from Philip to Francis Henslowe on 1 June 1595 (H. i. 6; ii. 312).

SOMERSET, GEORGE. Admiral's, 1601-2. See also John Wilson.

SOUTHEY, THOMAS. Interluders, 1547-56.

SOUTHYN, ROBERT. A London player in 1550 (cf. App. D, No. v).

SPENCER, GABRIEL. Chamberlain's (?), 1597; Pembroke's, 1597; Admiral's, 1598. He was slain by Ben Jonson (cf. ch. xxiii) on 22 September 1598, and was buried on the next day but one at St. Leonard's, where the register records him as from Hogge Lane (Collier, Actors, xxii). On 3 December 1596 a coroner's inquest found that he had himself slain James Feake with a rapier in the house of Richard East, barber, in St. Leonard's (Jeaffreson, i. xlv, 234). Henslowe sometimes describes him merely as 'Gabriel', and under this name Heywood praises him (H. ii. 312).

SPENCER, JOHN. Germany, 1605-23. He was known by the clown-name of Hans Stockfisch.

SQUIRE, LAWRENCE. Master of Chapel, 1486-93.

STEVENS, THOMAS. Denmark-Germany, 1586-7.

STOKEDALE, EDMUND. A London player in 1550 (cf. App. D, No. v).

STRATFORD, WILLIAM. Henry's-Palsgrave's, 1610-23. He lived at the upper end of White Cross Street in 1623. His children appear in the St. Giles's register in that year, and he was buried as a 'player' there on 27 August 1625 (J. 348, 350; Bodl.).

STROWDEWIKE, EDMUND. Interluders, 1559-68.

SUDBURY, THOMAS. Interluders, 1530.

SUTTON, ROBERT. A London player in 1550 (cf. App. D, No. v).

SWANSTON, ELIARD. Lady Elizabeth's, 1622; King's, 1624-42 (Murray, i. 172, 255).

SWINNERTON (SWETHERTON), THOMAS. Anne's, 1604-19; for his later career cf. Murray, ii. 101, 105.

SYFERWESTE, RICHARD. Worcester's (?), 1602 (H. ii. 314).

SYMCOCKES. Lennox's, 1605.

SYMONS, JOHN. A tumbler. Strange's, 1583; Oxford's, 1585; Strange's, 1586-8 (?); Queen's, 1588 (?)-9.

TAILOR, ROBERT. Admiral's, 1601-2.

  1. N. U. S. x. 317; O. v. H. 32.