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UBALDINI, PETRUCCIO. Italians, 1576 (?).

UNDERELL. Worcester's, 1602. A Thomas Underell was a royal trumpeter in 1609-24 (Chamber Accounts).

UNDERWOOD, JOHN, was a Chapel boy in the year 1601, and continued at Blackfriars until, as the Sharers Papers state, on growing up to be a man, he was taken to strengthen the King's service. This was in 1608 or a little later. He is not in the Queen's Revels actor-list of Epicoene (1609), and is in the King's men's actor-list of The Alchemist (1610), and thereafter in the official lists and most of the actor-lists of the company, including that of the First Folio Shakespeare, up to 1624. Tooley in his will of 1623 forgave him a debt. His own will was made on 4 October 1624 and has a codicil appended on 10 October, doubtless from his oral directions, but after his death. He describes himself as 'of the parish of Saint Bartholomew the Less, in London, gent.', and leaves his shares in the Blackfriars, Globe, and Curtain to his executors, of whom Henry Condell is one, in trust for his five children, all under twenty-one—John, Elizabeth, Burbage, Thomas, and Isabel. The executors and his 'fellowes', Mr. John Heminges and John Lowin, who are appointed overseers, have 11s. each for rings.[1] The baptism of his son John on 27 December 1610 is in the register of Saint Bartholomew the Less, West Smithfield.[2] The trust was still unexpired at Condell's death in 1627, and was handed on by him to his wife. The Sharers Papers of 1635 show one share in the Blackfriars still in the hands of an Underwood; but apparently a third of it had been parted with about 1632 to Eliart Swanston.[3]

VINCENT. Strange's (?), 1590-1.


WAKEFIELD, EDWARD. Germany, 1597, 1602.

WALPOLE, FRANCIS. Anne's, 1616-17.

WARD, ANTHONY. Vide Arkinstall.

WAYMUS (WAMBUS), FRANCIS. Lady Elizabeth's, 1611, 1617-24.

WEBSTER, GEORGE. Germany, 1598, 1600-3.

WEBSTER, JOHN. Germany, 1596. Is he identical with the dramatist?

WESTCOTT, SEBASTIAN. Master of Paul's, 1557-82. He is sometimes described by his Christian name alone.

WHETSTONE, c. 1571. Cf. s.v. Fidge. Plomer suggests that he might be George Whetstone (cf. ch. xxiii).

WHITELOCKE, JAMES, afterwards Sir James. Merchant Taylors, 1575-86.

WILDER, PHILIP VAN. Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and lutenist, commissioned to raise a royal company of young minstrels in 1550; cf. ch. xii, s.v. Chapel.

'WILL.' Strange's, 1590-1.

'WILL.' Admiral's, 1597.

WILLIAMS, JOHN. Chapel, 1509.

  1. Variorum, iii. 214.
  2. Collier, iii. 443.
  3. Halliwell-Phillipps, i. 313.