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1897. H. A. Evans, English Masques (Warwick Library). [Ten masks by Jonson (q.v.), Daniel's Twelve Goddesses, Campion's Lords' Mask, Beaumont's Inner Temple Mask, Mask of Flowers, and later masks.]

1897-1912. Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vols. xxxiii-xlviii. [Wilson's Cobbler's Prophecy (1897), 1 Richard II (1899), Wager's The Longer Thou Livest, the More Fool Thou Art (1900), The Wars of Cyrus (1901), Jonson's E. M. I. (1902), Lupton's All for Money (1904), Wapull's The Tide Tarrieth No Man (1907), Lumley's translation of Iphigenia (1910), Caesar and Pompey, or Caesar's Revenge (1911, 1912), by various editors.]

1898. A. Brandl, Quellen des weltlichen Dramas in England vor Shakespeare. Ein Ergänzungsband zu Dodsley's Old English Plays. (Quellen und Forschungen, lxxx.) [King Darius, Misogonus, Horestes, Wilmot's Gismond of Salern, Common Conditions, and earlier plays.]

1902-8. The Belles Lettres Series. Section iii. The English Drama. General Editor, G. P. Baker. [Cited as B. L. Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, Chapman, Dekker, Gascoigne, Jonson, Webster (q.v.), in separate volumes by various editors.]

1902-14. Materialien zur Kunde des älteren englischen Dramas . . . begründet und herausgegeben von W. Bang. 44 vols. issued. (A. Uystpruyst, Louvain.) [Includes, with other 'material', text facsimile reprints of plays, &c., of Barnes, Brewer, Daniel, Chettle and Day, Dekker, Heywood, Jonson, Mason, Sharpham (q.v.), with How a Man may Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, Sir Giles Goosecap, the Latin Victoria of A. Fraunce and Pedantius, and translations from Seneca.]

1903, 1913, 1914. C. M. Gayley, Representative English Comedies. 3 vols. [Plays of Udall, Lyly, Peele, Greene, Porter, Jonson, and Dekker, with Gammer Gurton's Needle, Eastward Ho!, Merry Devil of Edmonton, and later plays, by various editors.]

1905-8. J. S. Farmer, Publications of the Early English Drama Society. [Modernized texts, mainly of little value, but including a volume of Recently Recovered Plays, from the quartos in the Irish sale of 1906.]

1907-20. Malone Society Reprints. 46 vols. issued. [In progress; text-facsimile reprints of separate plays, by various editors, under general editorship of W. W. Greg; cited as M. S. R.]

1907-14. J. S. Farmer, The Tudor Facsimile Texts, with a Hand List (1914). [Photographic facsimiles, mostly by R. B. Fleming; cited as T. F. T. The Hand List states that 184 vols. are included in the collection, but I believe that some were not actually issued before the editor's death. Some or all of these, with reissues of others, appear in Old English Plays, Student's Facsimile Edition; cited as S. F. T.]

1908-14. The Shakespeare Classics. General Editor, I. Gollancz. (The Shakespeare Library). [Includes Warner's Menaechmi and Leire, Taming of A Shrew, and Troublesome Reign of King John.)

1911. W. A. Neilson, The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare. [Plays by Lyly, Peele, Greene, Marlowe, Kyd, Chapman, Jonson, Dekker, Marston, Heywood, Beaumont, Fletcher, Webster, Middleton, and later writers; cited as C. E. D.]

1911. R. W. Bond, Early Plays from the Italian. [Gascoigne's Supposes, Bugbears, Misogonus.]

1912. J. W. Cunliffe, Early English Classical Tragedies. [Norton and Sackville's Gorboduc, Gascoigne and Kinwelmersh's Jocasta, Wilmot's Gismond of Salerne, Hughes's Misfortunes of Arthur.)

1912. Masterpieces of the English Drama. General Editor, F. E. Schelling, [Cited as M. E. D. Plays of Marlowe, Beaumont and Fletcher, Webster and Tourneur (q.v.), with Massinger and Congreve, in separate volumes by various editors.]