Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 3).pdf/320

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(x) Prologue to Tamberlaine.

This rests on a forged entry in Henslowe's Diary for 20 Dec. 1597; cf. s.v. Marlowe.

(b) Work for Admiral's, 1598-1602

(i) Phaethon.

Payments in Jan. 1598 and for alterations for the Court in Dec. 1600; cf. s.v. The Sun's Darling (supra). (ii) The Triplicity or Triangle of Cuckolds.

Payment in March 1598.

(iii) The Wars of Henry I or The Welshman's Prize.

Payment, with Chettle and Drayton, March 1598. Greg (Henslowe, ii. 192) speculates on possible relations of the plays to others on a Welshman and on Henry I. (iv) 1 Earl Godwin.

Payment, with Chettle, Drayton, and Wilson, March 1598.

(v) Pierce of Exton.

Payment, with Chettle, Drayton, and Wilson, April 1598. Apparently the play was not finished.

(vi) 1 Black Bateman of the North.

Payments, with Chettle, Drayton, and Wilson, May 1598.

(vii) 2 Earl Godwin.

Payments, with Chettle, Drayton, and Wilson, May-June 1598.

(viii) The Madman's Morris.

Payments, with Drayton and Wilson, July 1598.

(ix) Hannibal and Hermes.

Payments, with Drayton and Wilson, July 1598.

(x) 2 Hannibal and Hermes.

Greg (Henslowe, ii. 195) gives this name to (xiii). (xi) Pierce of Winchester.

Payments, with Drayton and Wilson, July-Aug. 1598.

(xii) Chance Medley.

Payments to Dekker (or Chettle), with Munday, Drayton, and Wilson, Aug. 1598.

(xiii) Worse Afeared than Hurt.

Payments, with Drayton, Aug.-Sept. 1598.

(xiv) 1 Civil Wars of France.

Payment, with Drayton, Sept. 1598.

(xv) Connan Prince of Cornwall.

Payments, with Drayton, Oct. 1598.

(xvi) 2 Civil Wars of France.

Payment, with Drayton, Nov. 1598.

(xvii) 3 Civil Wars of France.

Payments, with Drayton, Nov.-Dec. 1598.