Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 3).pdf/466

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(iv) The Funeral of Richard Cœur-de-Lion.

With Chettle, Drayton, and Wilson, June 1598, probably as a sequel to Robin Hood (cf. Greg, Henslowe, ii. 190). (v) Valentine and Orson.

With Hathway (q.v.), July 1598.

(vi) A 'comodey for the corte', for the completion of which Drayton was surety, Aug. 1598, but the entry is cancelled, and presumably the play was not finished, unless it is identical with (vii).

(vii) Chance Medley.

With Chettle or Dekker, Drayton, and Wilson, Aug. 1598.

(viii), (ix) 1, 2 Sir John Oldcastle.

With Drayton (q.v.), Hathway, and Wilson, Oct.-Dec. 1599.

(x) Owen Tudor.

With Drayton, Hathway, and Wilson, Jan. 1600, but apparently not finished.

(xi) 1 Fair Constance of Rome.

With Dekker, Drayton, Hathway, and Wilson, June 1600.

(xii) 1 Cardinal Wolsey.

With Chettle, Drayton, and Smith, Aug.-Nov. 1601.

(xiii) Jephthah.

With Dekker, May 1602.

(xiv) Caesar's Fall, or The Two Shapes.

With Dekker, Drayton, Middleton, and Webster, May 1602.

(xv) The Set at Tennis.

Dec. 1602. The payment, though in full, was only £3; it was probably, therefore, a short play, and conceivably identical with the '[sec]ond part of fortun[es Tenn?]is' of which a 'plot' exists (cf. ch. xxiv) and intended to piece out to the length of a normal performance

the original Fortune's Tennis written by Dekker (q.v.) as a 'curtain-raiser' for the Fortune on its opening in 1600. [This is highly conjectural.] Munday must clearly have had a hand in Sir Thomas More, which is in his writing, and has been suggested as the author of Fedele and Fortunio and The Weakest Goeth to the Wall (cf. ch. xxiv).

ENTERTAINMENTS The Triumphs of Reunited Britannia. 29 Oct. 1605

N.D. The Triumphes of re-vnited Britania. Performed at the cost and charges of the Right Worship: Company of the Merchant-Taylors, in honor of Sir Leonard Holliday kni: to solemnize his entrance as Lorde Mayor of the Citty of London, on Tuesday the 29. of October. 1605. Deuised and Written by A. Mundy, Cittizen and Draper of London. W. Jaggard.

Edition in Nichols, James (1828), i. 564.