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(cf. ch. xv) has unjustifiably been interpreted as implying that Peele was actor as well as playwright, and Collier accordingly included his name in a forged list of housekeepers at an imaginary Blackfriars theatre of 1589 (cf. vol. ii, p. 108). He was, however, clearly one of the three of his 'quondam acquaintance' to whom Greene (q.v.) addressed

the attack upon players in his Groats-worth of Wit (1592). In 1596 Peele after 'long sickness' sent a begging letter by his daughter to Lord Burghley, with a copy of his Tale of Troy. He was buried as a 'householder' at St. James's, Clerkenwell, on 9 Nov. 1596 (Harl. Soc. Registers, xvii. 58), having died, according to Meres's Palladis Tamia, 'by the pox'. He can, therefore, hardly be the Peleus of Birth of Hercules (1597 <).


1828-39. A. Dyce. 3 vols.

1861, 1879. A. Dyce. 1 vol. [With Greene.]

1888. A. H. Bullen. 2 vols.

Dissertations: R. Lämmerhirt, G. P. Untersuchungen über sein Leben und seine Werke (1882); L. Kellner, Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamides (1889, E. S. xiii. 187); E. Penner, Metrische Untersuchungen zu P. (1890, Archiv, lxxxv. 269); A. R. Bayley, P. as a Dramatic Artist (Oxford Point of View, 15 Feb. 1903); G. C. Odell, P. as a Dramatist (1903, Bibliographer, ii); E. Landsberg, Der Stil in P.'s sicheren und zweifelhaften dramatischen Werken (1910, Breslau diss.); G. Sarrazin, Zur Biographie und Charakteristik von G. P. (1910, Archiv, cxxiv. 65); P. H. Cheffaud, G. P. (1913).

PLAYS The Arraignment of Paris, c. 1584

1584. The Araygnement of Paris A Pastorall. Presented before

the Queenes Maiestie, by the Children of her Chappell. Henry Marsh. [Prologue and Epilogue.] Editions by O. Smeaton (1905, T. D.) and H. H. Child (1910, M. S. R.).—Dissertation: F. E. Schelling, The Source of P.'s A. of P. (1893, M. L. N. viii. 206). Fleay, ii. 152, assigns the play to 1581 on the assumption that the Chapel stopped playing in 1582. But they went on to 1584. Nashe's allusion (vide supra) and the ascription of passages from the play to 'Geo. Peele' in England's Helicon (1600) fix the authorship.

The Battle of Alcazar, c. 1589

[MS.] Addl. MS. 10449, 'The Plott of the Battell of Alcazar'. [Probably from Dulwich. The fragmentary text is given by Greg, Henslowe Papers, 138, and a facsimile by Halliwell, The Theatre Plats of Three Old English Dramas (1860).]

1594. The Battell of Alcazar, fought in Barbarie, betweene Sebastian king of Portugall, and Abdelmelec king of Marocco. With the death of Captaine Stukeley. As it was sundrie times plaid by the Lord high