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The Cobbler's Prophecy > 1594

S. R. 1594, June 8. 'A booke intituled the Coblers prophesie.' Cuthbert Burby (Arber, ii. 653). 1594. The Coblers Prophesie. Written by Robert Wilson, Gent. John Danter for Cuthbert Burby.

Editions by W. Dibelius (1897, Jahrbuch, xxxiii. 3), J. S. Farmer (1911, T. F. T.), and A. C. Wood (1914, M. S. R.). The general character of this play, with its reference (i. 36) to an audience who 'sit and see' and its comfits cast, suggests the Court rather than the popular stage.

Doubtful Plays Wilson's hand has been sought in Clyomon and Clamydes, Fair Em, Knack to Know a Knave, Pedlar's Prophecy (cf. ch. xxiv).

Lost Plays

Short and Sweet (c. 1579). Vide Catiline's Conspiracy (infra). The following is a complete list of plays for the Admiral's men in which a share is assigned to Wilson by Henslowe: (i, ii) 1, 2, Earl Godwin and his Three Sons.

With Chettle, Dekker, and Drayton, March-June 1598.

(iii) Pierce of Exton.

With Chettle, Dekker, and Drayton, April, 1598; but apparently unfinished.

(iv) 1 Black Bateman of the North.

With Chettle, Dekker, and Drayton, May 1598.

(v) 2 Black Bateman of the North.

With Chettle, June 1598.

(vi) Funeral of Richard Cœur-de-Lion.

With Chettle, Drayton, and Munday, June 1598.

(vii) The Madman's Morris.

With Dekker and Drayton, July 1598.

(viii) Hannibal and Hermes.

With Dekker and Drayton, July 1598.

(ix) Pierce of Winchester.

With Dekker and Drayton, July-Aug. 1598.

(x) Chance Medley.

With Chettle or Dekker, Drayton, and Munday, Aug. 1598.

(xi) Catiline's Conspiracy.

With Chettle, Aug. 1598; but apparently not finished; unless the fact that the authors only received one 'earnest' of £1 5s. was due to the play being no more than a revision of Wilson's old Short and Sweet, which Lodge (cf. App. C, No. xxiii) contrasts about 1579 with Gosson's play on Catiline.