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Fisher), Bethnal Green (Joan, Lady White), Havering (July 19, 20), Birch Hall in Theydon Bois (Edward? Elderton), Theobalds (Lord Burghley, July 22-25) visit to Enfield, Hatfield, Gorhambury (Sir Nicholas Bacon, July 25-28), Dunstable (Edward Wingate?, July 28-29), Woburn (Earl of Bedford, July 29-31) with visit to Chicheley (Elizabeth Weston), Salden (John Fortescue, Aug. 1-4), Beachampton (Thomas? Pigott), Easton Neston (Sir John Fermor, Aug. 4-8), Edgecott (William Chauncy, Aug. 10), Bishop's Itchington (Edward Fisher, Aug. 11), Warwick Castle (Earl of Warwick, Aug. 11-13), Kenilworth (Earl of Leicester, Aug. 13-16),[1] Warwick Castle (Aug. 16-18) with visit to Warwick Priory (Thomas Fisher, Aug. 16),[2] Kenilworth (Aug. 18-23), Charlecote (Sir Thomas Lucy, Aug. 23), Compton Wyniates (Lord Compton, Aug. 23), Great Tew (Henry Rainsford), Woodstock (Aug. 27, Sept. 7-19) with visit to Langley (Sir Edward Unton), Holton (Sir Christopher Browne), Ewelme, Reading (Sept. 21-28), Philberds in Bray (Sir Thomas Neville, Sept. 28).

Sept. 28. Windsor.[3]

c. Nov. 11. Hampton Court.[4] Christmas. Leicester's (thrice) and Paul's. The Revels prepared plays on Theagenes and Chariclea, Perseus and Andromeda, and Fortune, and a double mask (Fishermen and Fruit-wives) this winter. 1573 Jan. 1. Windsor Chapel.

Jan. 6. Eton.

c. Jan. 29. Greenwich, by Somerset House.[5]

Feb. 1-3 (S.). Sussex's, Lincoln's and Merchant Taylors (Perseus and Andromeda?).

Feb. 24-March 10. Visits to Fold in South Mimms (Mr. Waller), Islehampstead Latimer (Miles Sandys), Gorhambury (Sir Nicholas Bacon), Brockett Hall in Hatfield (John Brockett), Northiaw (Earl of Warwick), Theobalds (Lord Burghley, 8 days), and Bishopsgate (Jasper Fisher, March 7).[6]

  • [Footnote: Procl. 676; Margaret's; Martin's; Select Committee on Public Records

(1800), 174; Sp. P. ii. 399, 413, 417; Hatfield MSS. v. 69, xiii. 110; Haynes-Murdin, ii. 773; Finch MSS. (Sept. 16); La Mothe, v. 47, 59, 63, 65, 76, 77, 79, 84, 89, 91, 92, 99, 122, 134; L. Howard, 195; Wilts. Arch. Mag. xviii. 261; 1 Ellis, ii. 265; Lodge, i. 540, 542, 548, 549; Strype, Sir T. Smith, 121; Zurich Letters, ii. 211; Digges, 228-65; Nichols, i. 309, from Warwick Corporation MSS., with errors.]

  1. At Kenilworth were 'such princely sports as could be devised' (Nichols, i. 318, from Warwick Black Book).
  2. At Warwick on Aug. 17 were a country dance and a show of fireworks (ibid.).
  3. Digges, 260, 263.
  4. Hatfield MSS. ii. 28; Sp. P. ii. 435; La Mothe, v. 200.
  5. Martin's, 272 (Feb. 27, 28, in error?); Digges, 328 (Jan. 29); P. C. (Feb. 3); Feuillerat, Eliz. 171.
  6. C. A.; P. C.; La Mothe, v. 262, 267, 270; Sp. P. ii. 467; Wright, i. 466; Hatfield MSS. v. 70 (misdated); Nichols, i. 378.