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Jan. 12. Hampton Court.[1]

Feb. 2. Merchant Taylors (Timoclea at the Siege of Thebes by Alexander). Mask (Virtues) not shown. Feb. 18-20. Visits to Earl of Lincoln and to Osterley (Sir Thomas Gresham).[2] Feb. 21-23 (S.). Queen entertained privately by neighbours.[3] Feb. 21. Leicester's (Philemon and Philecia). Feb. 23. Merchant Taylors (Perseus and Andromeda). Masks (Warriors and Ladies). March 2-3. Greenwich, by Lambeth (Abp. Parker).[4] June 30. Richmond, by Merton Abbey (Gregory? Lovell).[5] July 7. Windsor, by Stanwell and Colnbrook.[6] July 11 < > 13. Italians.

July 15-Sept. 25. Progress in Berks., Oxon., Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wilts., Hants, and Surrey.[7] Binfield, Reading (July 15-23) with play (July 15) by Italians, Caversham or Rotherfield Greys (Sir Francis Knollys, July 23), Ewelme (July 23-24), Holton (Christopher Browne, July 24), Woodstock (July 24-Aug. 2), Langley (Sir Edward Unton, Aug. 2-3), Burford (Aug. 3), Sherborne (Thomas Dutton, Aug. 3-4), Sudeley Castle (Lady Chandos, Aug. 4, 5), Boddington (Mr. Denne), Gloucester (Aug. 10) with visit to Churcham?, Frocester (George Huntley, Aug. 10-11), Iron Acton (Sir Nicholas Pointz), Berkeley Castle (Lord Berkeley, Aug. 11-12), Berkeley Hearne?, Bristol St. Lawrence, Bristol (Sir John Young, Aug. 14-21),[8] Keynsham (Henry? Brydges, Aug. 21), Morecroft (Stokes Croft?, Aug. 21), Bath (Aug. 21-23), Hazelbury (John Bonham, Aug. 23), Lacock (Sir Henry Sherington, Aug. 23-28), Erlestoke (William Brouncker, Aug. 28-31), Heytesbury (Mr. Hawker, Aug. 31-Sept. 3) with visit to Longleat (Sir John Thynne, Sept. 2), Wylye? (Lady Mervyn, Sept. 3), Wilton (Earl of Pembroke, Sept. 3-6) with visit to Clarendon Park, Salisbury (Bp.'s, Sept. 6-9) with visit to Amesbury, Winterslow (Giles Thistlethwaite?, Sept. 9), Mottisfont (Lord Sandys, Sept. 9-10), Somborne (Henry? Gifford, Sept. 10), Winchester (Sept. 10-13), Abbotstone (Marquis of Winchester, Sept. 13), Alresford, Herriard (George Puttenham), Odiham (Sept. 14-16), Farnham (Bp. Winchester, Sept. 15, 19), Bagshot (Sept. 24-25).

Sept. 25. Oatlands.[9]

Oct. 1. Hampton Court.[10]

  1. Walsingham, Diary; La Mothe, vi. 8.
  2. Walsingham, Diary; La Mothe, vi. 34.
  3. La Mothe, vi. 39.
  4. Walsingham, Diary; Lambeth; Nichols, i. 325 (misdated), 384.
  5. C. A.; Walsingham, Diary; La Mothe, vi. 167.
  6. C. A.; Walsingham, Diary.
  7. C. A.; P. C.; Walsingham, Diary; Burghley, Diary; S. P. D. (Aug. 15); S. P. F. (July 18, 30; Aug. 10, 11; Sept. 15); Zurich Letters, ii. 258; A. Hall, Life, 57; Shaw, ii. 75, 76; Lodge, ii. 43; La Mothe, vi. 197, 229; Nichols, i. 321 (misdated 1572), 379, 392, 408; R. H. Gretton, Burford Records, 415; cf. E. Green in Proc. Bath Field Club, iv. 105.
  8. For Bristol Entertainment cf. ch. xxiv.
  9. Walsingham, Diary.