Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/11

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XXIV. Anonymous Work 1

A. Plays 1
B. Masks 55
C. Receptions and Entertainments 60


A. A Court Calendar 75
B. Court Payments 131
C. Documents of Criticism 184
D. Documents of Control 259
E. Plague Records 345
F. The Presence-Chamber at Greenwich 351
G. Serlio's Trattato sopra le Scene 353
H. The Gull's Hornbook 365
I. Restoration Testimony 369
K. Academic Plays 373
L. Printed Plays 379
M. Lost Plays 398
N. Manuscript Plays 404


I. Plays 409
II. Persons 425
III. Places 445
IV. Subjects 454