Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/118

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Dec. 21-23. Richmond, by Lambeth.[1]

Christmas. The Admiral's showed activities as well as plays this winter.

Dec. 26. Queen's.

Dec. 27. Paul's.

Dec. 29. Admiral's.


Jan. 1. Paul's.

Jan. 12. Paul's.

c. Jan. Visit to Hampton Court.[2] Jan. 30. Whitehall, by Chelsea.[3] Feb. 9 (S.S.). Queen's.

Feb. 11. Admiral's.

May 26-28. Visit to Barn Elms (Sir Francis Walsingham).[4]

c. June 11. Visit to Highgate.[5] June 18-19. Nonsuch, by Merton Abbey (Gregory Lovell).[6] Aug. 10 < > 16. Oatlands, by West Molesey (Thomas Brand).[7] c. Sept. Visit to Hampton Court.[8] Sept. 26 or 27. Richmond.[9] c. Sept. Mask prepared for wedding of James VI in Scotland.[10] Nov. 15. Somerset House.[11] Nov. 17. Tilt.[12] Dec. 2. Richmond, by Putney (John Lacy).[13] Dec. 26. Queen's.

Dec. 28. Paul's and Admiral's (activities). 1590 Jan. 1. Paul's.

Jan. 6. Paul's (Midas?). Jan. 23-24. Greenwich, by Lambeth.[14] Jan. 27. Visit to Earl of Warwick (at Bedford House?).[15] March 1 (S.S.). Queen's.

March 3. Admiral's.

May 30 or 31-June 6. Visits to Hackney (Sir Rowland Hayward, Aug. 31), Waltham Forest (Sir Richard Bartlett), and Ely House (Sir Christopher Hatton, June 4-6).[16]

  1. Sp. P. iv. 504; S. P. D. (Dec. 19); Margaret's.
  2. C. A.
  3. Stowe, Annales; Martin's, 411; Arber, v. lxxvii.
  4. Martin's, 411; Margaret's; Lambeth; Fulham; Lodge, ii. 368, 375, 'whilst she is there may be moved to her but matter of delight and to content her, which is the only cause of her going thither'.
  5. Margaret's.
  6. C. A.; Lodge, ii. 379; Margaret's.
  7. C. A.; P. C. (Aug. 10); Hatfield MSS. iii. 427; xiii. 416 (Aug. 10, 16).
  8. C. A.
  9. Dasent, xviii. 329 (Sept. 26); Rutland MSS. i. 276 (Sept. 27).