Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/124

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Nov. 17. Tilt.[1]

Nov. 27 or 28. Richmond.[2]

Dec. 11. Visit to Kew (Sir John Puckering).[3]

Dec. 18 or 19. Whitehall.[4]

Dec. 20. Visit to Huntingdon House (Lady Huntingdon).[5]

Dec. 23. Richmond, by Putney (John Lacy).[6]

Dec. 26. Chamberlain's.

Dec. 27. Chamberlain's.

Dec. 28. Chamberlain's.


Jan. 1. Admiral's.

Jan. 4. Admiral's.

Jan. 6. Chamberlain's.

Feb. 22 (S.S.). Chamberlain's and Admiral's. Feb. 24. Admiral's.

Apr. 2-3. Greenwich, by Putney (John Lacy) and Lambeth.[7]

Apr. 8. Visit to Burghley House (Lord Burghley).[8]

c. Aug. Visit to Eltham.[9] Oct. 1-2. Nonsuch, by Lambeth (Lord Burgh) and Mitcham.[10] Oct. 12. Richmond, by Kingston (John? Cox).[11] Nov. 17. Whitehall, by Putney (John Lacy).[12] Tilt.[13] Dec. 23. Visit to Strand (Sir R. Cecil).[14] Dec. 26. Chamberlain's.

Dec. 27. Chamberlain's.


Jan. 1. Chamberlain's.

Jan. 6. Chamberlain's. Feb. 6 (S.S.). Chamberlain's.

Feb. 8. Chamberlain's.

Feb. 19. Visit to Chelsea (Earl of Nottingham).[15]

March. Visit to Putney (John Lacy).[16]

May 7. Greenwich.[17]

c. July 20-22. Visit to Scadbury (Sir Thomas Walsingham), by Eltham and Chislehurst (Richard Carmarden).[18]

Aug. 17-Sept. 20. Progress in Essex, Middlesex, and Herts.[19] Hackney

  1. C. A.
  2. Syd. P. i. 366, 369, 371; Martin's, 473.
  3. Syd. P. i. 376.
  4. Syd. P. i. 380; Martin's, 474.
  5. Syd. P. i. 382.
  6. C. A.; P. C. (Dec. 28); Syd. P. i. 384; Martin's, 474.
  7. C. A.; Martin's, 483; P. C. (Apr. 4).
  8. Martin's, 483.
  9. C. A.