Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/133

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Aug. 20-Sept. 6 < > 15. Progress resumed in Herts. and Oxon.[1] Ware (Aug. 20), Woodstock (Sept. 6), Langley.

Sept. 6 < > 15. Windsor.[2]

Sept. 21. Visit to Eton College.[3]

Sept. 22. Hampton Court.[4]

Oct. 1-6. Visit to Windsor and Easton Neston (Sir George Fermor) to meet Charles.[5]

Oct. 16. Whitehall.[6]

Nov. 1. King's (Othello). Nov. 4. King's (Merry Wives of Windsor). Nov. 23. Prince's.

Nov. 24. Prince's.

Dec. 14. Prince's.

Dec. 19. Prince's.

Dec. 26. King's (Measure for Measure). Dec. 27. Mask for wedding of Sir Philip Herbert and Lady Susan Vere. Dec. 28. King's (Comedy of Errors). Dec. 30. Queen's (How to Learn of a Woman to Woo). 1605 Jan. 1. Queen's Revels (All Fools). Jan. 3. Queen's Revels.[7] Jan. 6. Creation of Charles as Duke of York. Queen's mask (Mask of Blackness). Jan. 7. King's (Henry V). Jan. 8. King's (Every Man Out of His Humour). Jan. 9 < > 14. King's (Love's Labour's Lost), at the Earl of Southampton's or Viscount Cranborne's for the Queen.[8] Jan. 15. Prince's.

Jan. 22. Prince's.

Feb. 2. King's (Every Man in His Humour). Mask by Duke of Holst (?).[9] Feb. 3. King's (play ready but not shown). Feb. 5. Prince's.

Feb. 10 (S.S.). King's (Merchant of Venice). Feb. 11. King's (Spanish Maze). Feb. 12. King's (Merchant of Venice). Feb. 19. Prince's.

Feb. 28 < > March 6. Greenwich.[10]

  1. S. P. D. (Sept. 6); Winwood, ii. 26; Gawdy MSS. 95; Warton, Hist. of Kiddington (1815), 58; Shaw.
  2. Procl. 1001; S. P. D. (Sept. 16, 20).
  3. Shaw; Winwood, ii. 33.
  4. Gawdy MSS. 96.
  5. Stowe, Annales, 823; Carey, Memoirs, 83.
  6. Gawdy MSS. 97; Margaret's.
  7. This is probably the play which concluded an entertainment by the Spanish ambassador to the Duke of Holst (Winwood, ii. 44; Sullivan, 26). Carleton says, 'After Dinner he came home to us, with a Play and a Banquett'.
  8. Cf. App. B (introd.).
  9. Cf. ch. xxiii (Jonson, Blackness).