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then in his possession as The Privy Purse Expenses of Henry the Eighth (1827) and misdescribed as an account of the Treasurer of the Household. Presumably this MS. is identical with that owned by Sir O. Bridgeman in 1634 and now Addl. MS. 20030. It overlaps with an account for 1 Oct. 1528 to May 1531, presented by Sir W. C. Trevelyan to the P. R. O. (Exchequer Accounts, Various, 420/11); extracts are given in Trevelyan Papers (C. S.), i. 136, and an abstract in Brewer, v. 303. Collier, i. 116, and Nicolas (ut supra), xxviii, give extracts from an account for Feb. 1538 to June 1541 in the possession of the Royal Society, presumably a duplicate of the account for the same period in Arundel MS. 97, incorrectly catalogued by the B.M. as an account of the Treasurer of the Household, and abstracted in Brewer, xiii. 2. 524; xiv. 2. 303; xvi. 178, 698. An account for May to Sept. 1542 in Stowe MS. 554 is abstracted in Brewer, xvii. 474. Collier, i. 117, gives extracts from an account for 1543-4 in Craven Ord's collection. iii. Accounts of William Cavendish.

Account for 31 March 1547 to 31 Sept. 1549, of which extracts are given in Trevelyan Papers, i. 191, ii. 13, were presented by Sir W. C. Trevelyan to the P. R. O. (Exchequer Accounts, Various, 426/5, 6). Misc. Exch. Augm. 439 for 1547-8 is referred to by Newton, 359, as a Chamber account, and is presumably a duplicate. iv. Account of Edmund Felton.

A Declared Account for 1 Apr. to 31 Dec. 1557 is in D. A. Pipe Office, 541. Stopes, Hunnis, 145, cites a 'Compotus Marie Rither and Edmond Felton' for 5 and 6 Edw. VI (Queen's Remembrancia, 77/5) as a Chamber Account. It is doubtless a Cofferer's Account. (c) Elizabethan and Jacobean Periods.

i. Accounts in P. R. O.

The P. R. O. contains Chamber Accounts in four forms. Original Accounts, as submitted for audit, are in Audit Office, Accounts Various, 3/127-9. These are no doubt the 'very incomplete' set from which extracts are given by Cunningham, xxvii. So far as play-payments are concerned, they do not appear to be more detailed than the Declared Accounts annually drawn up from them by the auditors, of which there are duplicate sets, both nearly complete, belonging respectively to the Audit Office and to the Pipe Office in the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Department of the Exchequer. They cover the terms of office of Mason (1558-66), Knollys (1566-70), Heneage (1570-95), Killigrew (1595-6), and Stanhope (1596-1617). From the Pipe Office series I supplemented Cunningham's extracts in M. L. R. ii (1906), 1; iv (1909), 153, and give a complete record of play-payments below. The payments are also given for 1558-85 from the Audit Office series in Wallace, i (1912), 210, and very imperfectly from the Pipe Office series for 1559-97 in Stopes, Hunnis, 318. Finally, there are Enrolled Accounts in the King's Remembrancer's Department (Scargill-Bird^1, liv). A single book for 1569-70 is in the same Department (Exchequer Accounts, Various, 430/15). It appears