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                                                                                                         *ters mennes playe & for mosse
                                                                                                         & styckes.'
27 Dec. 'the lord Clynton players.' £6 13s. 4d. 11 Jan.; C. xxx. F. 244. 27 Dec. 'the Duttons
2 Jan. 'the lord Clinton players.' £6 13s. 4d. 11 Jan.; C. xxx.
6 Jan. 'Richard Farrante m^r of the £13 6s. 8d. 23 Jan. (H.); C. xxx. F. 244. 'King Xerxces syster in
               children of the chapell of ffarrantes playe, . . . cariage
               Wyndsor.' . . . for the playe . . . on twelfe
2 Feb. 'Sebastian Westecote M^r of £13 6s. 8d. 16 Feb.; C. xxxi.
               the Children of Powles.'
13 Feb. 'William Hunys m^r of the children £13 6s. 8d. 16 Feb. (R.); C. xxxi. F. 244. 13 Feb. 'M^r Hvnnyes
               of her ma^{tes} Chappell.' his playe.'
13 Feb. 'Richarde Moncaster.' £13 6s. 8d., 'vj^l. xiij^s. 17 Feb. (R.). [F. 238. The following rehearsals
[15 Feb.?]. iiij^d and for a reward took place:
                                                   gyven by her 14 Dec. 'my Lord Chamberlens
                                                   heignes vj^l. xiij^s. players did show the history
                                                   iiij^d'. of Phedrastus & Phigon
                                                                                                         and Lucia together.'
                                                                                                         18 Dec. 'my Lord of Leicesters
                                                                                                         menne showed theier
                                                                                                         matter of Panecia.'
                                                                                                         20 Dec. 'my lord Clyntons
                                                                                                         players rehearsed a matter
                                                                                                         called Pretestus.'
                                                                                                         21 Dec. 'the showed ij other
13 Feb. 'Therle of Warwickes players.' £10. 16 Feb. (R.); C. xxxi.
[14 Feb.].[1]

  1. The D. A. give all three plays on Shrove Sunday, but Cunningham has Shrove Monday for Warwick's and omits Muncaster's, which
    may have been on the Tuesday, although two plays were sometimes given on the same night.