Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/167

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|8 Dec. |'The Earle of Warwickes |£10. |12 Jan. (H.). |
| |players.' | | |
|30 Dec. |'Sebastian Westcott.' |£10. |31 Jan. (H.). |
|5 Jan.[1]|'The Lorde Howarde baron |£10. |9 Jan. (H.); D. x. 138. |
| |of Effingham his players.'| | |
|6 Jan. |'Earle of Warwickes |£10. |12 Jan. (H.). |
| |players.' | | |
|2 Feb. |'The Lorde Chamblaynes |£10. |15 Mar. (G.), in duplicate;|
| |players.' | |D. x. 185 (14 Mar.). |
|9 Feb. |'The Earle of Warwickes |£10. |18 Feb. (H.). |
| |players.' | | |
|11 Feb. |'The Countes of Essex |£10. |14 Feb. (H.). |
| |players.' | | |
|(11 Feb.)|'The Earle of Leicesters |£6 13s. 4d., 'for |18 Feb. (H.). |
| |players.' |makinge their repaire| |
| | |to the Courte | |
| | |w^{th} their whole | |
| | |company and furniture| |
| | |to presente a | |
| | |playe before her | |
| | |ma^{tie} uppon | |
| | |Shrove-*tuesdaye | |
| | |at nighte in | |
| | |consideracon of | |
| | |their chardgies for | |
| | |that purpose although| |
| | |the plaie | |
| | |by her ma^{ties} | |
| | |comaundement | |
| | |was supplyed | |
| | |by others.' | |

  1. The Pipe Office D. A. date Sunday, Jan. 'firste'. Jan. 5 was Sunday; the 'fifte' of A. O. (Wallace, i. 220) is right.