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1 Jan. 'John Symons and other his £10. 14 Mar. (G.). F. 365. 'Dyuers feates of Actyuytie
              fellowes Servantes to Therle were shewed and presented
              Oxforde . . . for . . . feates . . . on newe yeares daye
              of actiuitye and vawtinge.' . . . by Symons and his fellowes.'

1585-6 (D. A. 542, m. 79; Harl. MS. 1641, ff. 20^v, 21).

26 Dec. 'her Ma^{tes} players.' £10. 31 Jan. (G.).

27 Dec. 'the Servantes of the lo admirall.' £10. 31 Jan. (G.).

1 Jan. 'her Ma^{tes} players.' £10. 31 Jan. (G.).

6 Jan. 'the Servantes of the lo: admirall £10. 31 Jan. (G.).
              and the lo Chamblaine.'

9 Jan. 'John Symondes and M^r £10. 31 Jan. (G.)
              Standleyes Boyes . . . for
              Tumblinge and shewinge
              other feates of activitie.'

13 Feb. 'her ma^{tes} players.' £10. 28 Feb. (G.); D. xiv.
                                                                          20 (6 Mar.).

1586-7 (D. A. 542, m. 94).

26 Dec. }
 1 Jan. } 'the Quenes ma^{tes} players.' £40. 18 Mar. (G.).
 6 Jan. }
28 Feb. }

27 Dec. 'the Erle of Lecesters £10. 31 Mar. (G.).

26 Feb. 'Thomas Giles m^r of the £10. 9 Apr. (G.); D. xv. 24.
              Children of Paules.'

1587-8 (D. A 542, mm. 108, 115).

26 Dec. } £20, 'for their 20 Mar. (G.); D. xv. F. 378, 388. 'vij playes besides
6 Jan. } 'the Queenes ma^{tes} players.' chardges and paines 425. feattes of Activitie and other
18 Feb. } as also by waye of shewes by the Childeren of Poles