Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/187

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1605-6 (D. A. 543, mm. 163, 176).

27 Dec. (K.) 'John Duke one of the £8 6s. 8d. 30 Apr.; C. xxxviii.
                 Queenes Ma^{tes} players.'

Xmas and 'John Hemynges one of his £100. 24 Mar.; C. xxxviii.
since (K. Ma^{tes} players.'
10 plays)

 1 Dec. (H.) }
30 Dec. (H.) }
 1 Jan. (K.) } 'Edward Jubie one of the £50. 30 Apr.; C. xxxviii.
 4 Jan. (H.) } Princes players.'
 3 Mar. (K.) }
 4 Mar. (K.) }

—(H. C. 'Edward Kirkham one of the £16 13s. 4d. 31 Mar.; C. xxxviii.
2 plays) Mr^{es} of the Childeren of

2 plays at G. }
[July-Aug. }
 1606] } (K. and K. 'John Heminges £30. 18 Oct.; C. xxxviii.
1 play at H. } of Denmark) one of his Ma^{tes}
[7 Aug. } Players.'
 1606] }

1606-7 (D. A. 543, m. 177).

26 Dec. (K.) }
29 Dec. (K.) }
 4 Jan. (K.) }
 6 Jan. (K.) } 'John Heminges one of his £90. 30 Mar.; C. xxxix.
 8 Jan. (K.) } Ma^{tes} Players.'
 2 Feb. (K.) }
 5 Feb. (K.) }
15 Feb. (K.) }
27 Feb. (K.) }