Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/193

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11 Apr. 'Edward Jubye . . . for . . . £6 13s. 4d. 31 Mar. 1613; C. xlii.
 'last past' (E.) the Prynce Palatynes Servants.'[1]

25 Feb. (K.) 'Alexander Foster . . . for £10. 1 Apr.; C. xl.
                         . . . the Ladye Eliz. servauntes
                         and players . . . for
                         . . . the proud Mayde.'

19 Jan. (H. E.) } 'the sayd Alexander Foster.' £13 6s. 8d. 1 Apr.; C. xl.
11 Mar. (H. E.) }

12 Jan. (H. C. E.) } 'Willm̄ Rowley . . . for . . . £26 13s. 4d. 20 June (W.); C. xlii.
28 Jan. (H. C. E.) } the Duke of Yorkes Servauntes
13 Feb. (H. C. E.) } and Players.'
24 Feb.[2] (H. C. E.) }

                        [Cunningham, xiv, from Privy
                         Purse Accounts of Henry.]

                        'For makeinge readie the £1 14s. 4d.
                         Cockepitt for a playe by
                         the space of twoe dayes
                         in the month of December

                        'For makinge readie the £3 10s. 8d.
                         Cockepitt for playes twoe
                         severall tymes by the
                         space of ffower dayes in
                         the monethes of January
                         and February 1611.'

1612-13 (D. A. 544, m. 14; Bodl. Rawlinson MS. A. 239, ff. 46^v-48).
 8 June. 'John Hemynges . . . for £6 13s. 4d. 9 July; C. xliii.
                         . . . the kinges Ma^{tes}
                         Players for presentinge
                         a playe before the Duke

is obviously omitted.]

  1. This item is entered in Account for 1612-13; Rawl. MS. gives the date.
  2. Cunningham gives this date as 18 Feb.