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v, vi), F. J. Furnivall and T. Tyler (1886, 1889, 1891, Sh. Q), and J. S. Farmer (S. F. T.).—Dissertations: E. Malone, On the Three Parts of Hen. 6 (1821, Variorum, xviii. 553); R. Grant White, On the Authorship of Hen. 6 (Works of Sh. 1859-65, vii); J. Lee, On the Authorship of 2, 3 Hen. vi and their Originals (N. S. S. Trans. 1875-6, 219); C. F. T. Brooke, The Authorship of 2, 3 Hen. 6 (1912, Trans. of Connecticut Academy, xvii. 141). The various claims of Marlowe, Kyd, Greene, Peele, Lodge, and Shakespeare himself to the Contention can only be discussed in relation to Shakespeare's revision of them as 2, 3 Henry VI, which probably belongs approximately to the date of 1 Henry vi, produced by Strange's on 3 March 1592. Thomas Lord Cromwell > 1602

S. R. 1602, Aug. 11 (Jackson). 'A booke called the lyfe and Deathe of the Lord Cromwell, as yt was lately Acted by the Lord Chamberleyn his servantes.' William Cotton (Arber, iii. 214). 1602. The True Chronicle Historie of the whole life and death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. As it hath beene sundrie times publikely Acted by the Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. Written by W. S. For William Jones.

S. R. 1611, Dec. 16. Transfer from William Jones to John Browne of a 'booke called the lyfe and death of the Lord Cromwell, by W: S.' (Arber, iii. 474). 1613. . . . As it hath been sundry times publikely Acted by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. Written by W. S. Thomas Snodham.

1664; 1685. [Parts of F_{3} and F_{4} of Shakespeare.]

Editions printed by R. Walker (1734) and by T. E. Jacob (1889, Old English Dramas), J. S. Farmer (1911, T. F. T.), and in Sh. Apocrypha.Dissertation: W. Streit, The L. and D. of T. L. C. (1904, Jena diss.). The W. S. of the title-page was interpreted as William Shakespeare in Archer's play-list of 1656 (Greg, Masques, lx). No modern critic accepts the attribution, except Hopkinson, who thinks that the original author was Greene, and that Shakespeare revised his work. Heywood was suggested by R. Farmer, and Drayton by Fleay, Shakespeare, 298; B.C. i. 152, 160. The guesses at Wentworth Smith and William Sly rest merely on their initials. King Darius > 1565

S. R. 1565-6. 'A playe intituled of the story of kyng Daryous beyinge taken oute of the iij^{de} and iiij^{th} chapeter of the iij^{de} boke of Esdras &c.'. Thomas Colwell (Arber, i. 298).

1565, October. A Pretie new Enterlude both pithie & pleasaunt of the Story of Kyng Daryus, Beinge taken out of the third and fourth Chapter of the thyrd booke of Esdras. Colwell. [On t.p. 'Syxe persons may easely play it'.]

1577. Hugh Jackson. [B.M. C. 34, i. 21, from Irish sale of 1906.]