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partie so punysshed be able to fynde suretye or elles to be ordered & sworne to repayer to the place where he was borne or where he last dwelled by the space of three yeres.


[1549, May 27. Minute of Court of Aldermen, printed in Harrison, iv. 313, from London Repertory, xii, f. 92.]

Amcotes, Mayor. Wylkynson. Item, John Wylkynson, coriour, who comenly suffreth & meynteyneth interludes & playes to be made and kept within his dwellyng house, was streyghtly commandid no more to suffer eny suche pleyes there to be kept, vpon peyne of imprysonement, &c.


[1549, July 4. Minute of Court of Aldermen, printed in Harrison, iv. 313, from London Repertory, xii. 1, f. 100.]

Interludes & bukler playinge. At this courte. yt was agreyd that my Lorde Mayer, at his next repayrynge to the Lorde Chaunceler, shulde desyre his Lordeshyps ayde and advise for the steyinge of all comen interludes & pleyes within the Citie & the suburbes therof. And further, that euery of my maisters thaldermen shulde take suche ordre in their wardes with the constables, & otherwyse by their discrecion, that there be no more buckler playing suffred nor vsed within eny of their wardes duryng this besye tyme.


[1549, 7 Nov. Minute of Court of Aldermen, printed in Harrison, iv. 314, from London Repertory, xii. 1, f. 162^v.]

Hyll, Mayor. Enterludes. Item, it is orderyd that the ij Secondaries of the Compters, Mr. Atkyns & Mr. Burnell, shall, accordyng to the tenour of the recognysaunce lately taken before the Lorde grete Master, & remaynyng with my Lorde Mayer, pervse all suche enterludes as hereafter shalbe pleyed by eny comen pleyr of the same within the Citie or the liberties therof, And make reporte of the same to the Lorde Mayer for the tyme beynge, And accordyng thervnto, my Lorde Mayer to suffer them to go forwarde, or to stey.


[1550, 23 Dec. Minute of Court of Aldermen, printed in Harrison, iv. 314, from London Repertory, xii. 2, f. 294^v.]

Players of interludes. At this Courte, certein comen plaiers of interludes within this Citie were bounden by Recognisaunce as herafter insuythe:

Item, Johannes Nethe, Robertus Southyn, Robertus Drake, Robertus Peacocke, Johannes Nethersall, Robertus Sutton, Ricardus Jugler,