Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/288

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vncomelye and vnshamefaste speeches and doynges, withdrawinge of the Queenes Maiesties Subiectes from dyvyne service on Sonndaies and hollydayes, at which Tymes suche playes weare Chefelye vsed, vnthriftye waste of the moneye of the poore and fond persons, sondrye robberies by pyckinge and Cuttinge of purses, vtteringe of popular busye and sedycious matters, and manie other Corruptions of youthe and other enormyties, besydes that allso soundrye slaughters and mayheminges of the Quenes Subiectes have happened by ruines of Skaffoldes, fframes, and Stagies, and by engynes, weapons, and powder used in plaies; And whear[as] in tyme of goddes visitacion by the plaigue suche assemblies of the people in thronge and presse have benne verye daungerous for spreadinge of Infection, and for the same and other greate Cawses by the Aucthoritie of the honorable Lordes maiors of this Cyttie and the aldermen their Brethern, and speciallye uppon the severe and earneste Admonition of the Lordes of the moste honorable Councell, with signifyenge of her maiesties expresse pleasure and commaundemente in that behalfe, suche vse of playes, Interludes, and shewes hathe benne duringe this tyme of syckenes forbydden and restrayned; And for that the lorde Maior and his Bretheren the aldermen, together with the grave and discrete Citizens in the Comen Councell assemblyd, doo doughte and feare leaste vppon Goddes mercyfull withdrawinge his hand of syckenes from vs (which god graunte!) the people, speciallye the meaner and moste vnrewlye sorte, sheould with sodayne forgettinge of his visytacion, withowte feare of goddes wrathe, and withowte deowe respecte of this good and politique meanes that he hathe ordeyned for the preservacion of Commen weales and peoples in healthe and good order, retourne to the vndewe vse of suche enormyties to the greate offence of god, the Quenes maiesties commaundementes and good gouernaunce; Nowe therfore, to the intent that suche perilles maie be avoyded and the lawefull honest and comelye vse of plaies pastymes and recreacions in good sorte onelye permitted, And good provision hadd for the saiftie and well orderynge of the people thear assemblydd, Be yt enacted by the Aucthoritie of this Comen Councell, That from henceforthe no playe, Commodye, Tragidye, enterlude, nor publycke shewe shalbe openlye played or shewed within the liberties of the Cittie, whearin shalbe vttered anie wourdes, examples, or doynges of anie vnchastitie, sedicion, nor suche lyke vnfytt and vncomelye matter, vppon paine of Imprisonment by the space of xiiijten daies of all persons offendinge in anie suche open playinge or shewinges, and v li. for euerie suche offence; And that no Inkeper Tavernekeper nor other person whatsoeuer within the liberties of thys Cittie shall openlye shewe or playe, nor cawse or suffer to be openlye shewed or played, within the hous, yarde or anie other place within the Liberties of this Cyttie anie playe, enterlude, Commodye, Tragidie, matter, or shewe, which shall not be firste pervsed and Allowed in suche order and fourme and by suche persons as by the Lorde Maior and Courte of Aldermen for the tyme beinge shalbe appoynted, nor shall suffer to be enterlaced, Added, mynglydd, or vttered in anie suche play,