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and euery of yowe vpon the receipte hereof to geue streight order that no playes or enterludes be suffered to be played within the Citie or liberties adioyning, but that fourthwith yow charge and comaunde them to forbere and desist, vntill thende of September or that yowe shall receaue further order from vs, whereof we pray yowe that there be no fault. And so bid yow hartely farewell. From Grenewich the xth of Iuly 1581.

Your louing frendes,

Thomas Bromeley Cancellarius
Ambrose Warwicke
Robert Leycester
Henrie Sidney
Thomas Sussex
ffraunces Bedford
ffraunces Knowles
Christopher Hatton.


[1581, July 11. City order, printed in Harrison, iv. 320, without reference, probably from Repertory, xx.]

Stafferton committed to the Compter. Item, Parr Stafferton gentleman of Grayes Inne for that he that daye brought a dysordered companye of gentlemen of the Innes of Courte & others, to assalte Arthur Kynge, Thomas Goodale, and others, servauntes to the Lord Barkley, & players of Enterludes within the Cyttye, was by this Courte committed to the Compter in Wood streete, and the said players lykewyse. And aswell the sayd players as the sayd Parre Stafferton, weare by this Courte commanded to set downe in wrytinge the maner how the same quarell began.


[1581, July. Henry Lord Berkeley to the Lord Mayor, printed M. S. C. i. 51, from Remembrancia, i. 224; but it appears from No. xlix that the date is rather earlier than was there suggested.]

My very good Lord, ther is lately fallen owt some broile betwixt certaine of my men and some of the Innes of the Courte, sought onely by them. The matter, as I ame aduertised, is better knowen to your Lp. then to my self. Whereupon ther is some of my men comitted to warde. If by their misdemeanour they shold deserue imprisonment, I ame most willing they shold abide it: Otherwise behauing them selues honestly in euery respecte, as I cannot learne the contrary, sauing that they played on the sabothe daie contrary to your order & comaundment vnknowen to them, in respecte of that I yelde them faultie and they them selues craue pardon. So ame I now to desier your Lp. to sett them at libertie, whoe are vpon going into the Countrie to auoide querrell or other inconuenience that mought followe. And thereupon I geue my word that at any time hereafter, if further question shall arise hereby, they shalbe fourthcoming to answere it, and so I leaue your good Lp. to the Almightie. From my lodgeing at Strand this presente Tuesdaie. 1581.

Your Lps assured
Henrie Berkeley.

To the right honorable the Lord Maiour of the Citie of London.