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honorable the Lord Chamberlaine and the Lord of Hunsdon, which romes the said Burbage is now altering and meaneth very shortly to convert and turne the same into a comon playhouse, which will grow to be a very great annoyance and trouble, not only to all the noblemen and gentlemen thereabout inhabiting but allso a generall inconvenience to all the inhabitants of the same precinct, both by reason of the great resort and gathering togeather of all manner of vagrant and lewde persons that, under cullor of resorting to the playes, will come thither and worke all manner of mischeefe, and allso to the great pestring and filling up of the same precinct, yf it should please God to send any visitation of sicknesse as heretofore hath been, for that the same precinct is allready growne very populous; and besides, that the same playhouse is so neere the Church that the noyse of the drummes and trumpetts will greatly disturbe and hinder both the ministers and parishioners in tyme of devine service and sermons;—In tender consideracion wherof, as allso for that there hath not at any tyme heretofore been used any comon playhouse within the same precinct, but that now all players being banished by the Lord Mayor from playing within the Cittie by reason of the great inconveniences and ill rule that followeth them, they now thincke to plant them selves in liberties;—That therefore it would please your honors to take order that the same roomes may be converted to some other use, and that no playhouse may be used or kept there; and your suppliants as most bounden shall and will dayly pray for your Lordships in all honor and happines long to live. Elizabeth Russell, dowager; G. Hunsdon; Henry Bowes; Thomas Browne; John Crooke; William Meredith; Stephen Egerton; Richard Lee; . . . Smith; William Paddy; William de Lavine; Francis Hinson; John Edwards; Andrew Lyons; Thomas Nayle; Owen Lochard; John Robbinson; Thomas Homes; Richard Feild; William Watts; Henry Boice; Edward Ley; John Clarke; William Bispham; Robert Baheire; Ezechiell Major; Harman Buckholt; John Le Mere; John Dollin; Ascanio de Renialmire; John Wharton.


[1596, Nov. Extract from Petition of c. Jan. 1619 from Constables and Inhabitants of Blackfriars to Lord Mayor and Aldermen, printed in M. S. C. i. 90, from Remembrancia, v. 28; cf. Bk. iv, s.v. Blackfriars.]

Sheweth That whereas in Nouember 1596, diuers both honorable persons and others then inhabitinge the said precinct, made knowne to the Lordes and others of the privie Counsell, what inconveniencies where likelie to fall vpon them, by a common Playhouse which was then preparinge to bee erected there, wherevpon their Honours then forbadd the vse of the said howse, for playes, as by the peticion and indorsemente in aunswere thereof may appeare.