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[1600, Jan. 12. Warrant from Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, printed by W. W. Greg, Henslowe Papers, 49, from Dulwich MS. i. 27; also by Collier, Alleyn Memoirs, 55.]

Weareas my Servant Edward Allen (in respect of the dangerous decaye of that Howse which he and his Companye haue nowe, on the Banck, and for that the same standeth verie noysome for resorte of people in the wynter tyme) Hath thearfore nowe of late taken a plott of grounde neere Redcrossestreete London (verie fitt and convenient) for the buildinge of a new Howse theare, and hath prouided Tymber and other necessaries for theffectinge theareof, to his greate chardge: Forasmuche as the place standeth verie convenient for the ease of People, and that her Maiestie (in respect of the acceptable Service, which my saide Servant and his Companie haue doen and presented before her Highenes to her greate likeinge and Contentment, aswell this last Christmas as att sondrie other tymes) ys gratiouslie moued towardes them, with a speciall regarde of fauor in their proceedinges: Theis shalbe thearefore to praie and requier youe, and everie of youe, To permitt and suffer my saide Servant to proceede in theffectinge and finishinge of the saide New howse, without anie your lett or molestation, towardes him or any of his woorkmen. And soe not doubtinge of your observacion in this behalf, I bidd youe right hartelie farewell. Att the Courte, at Richmond, the xijth of Januarye, 1599.


To all & euery her maiesties Justices & other Ministers, and Officers, within the Countye of Middlesex, & to euery of them, And to all others whome it shall Concerne:


[1600, March 9. Privy Council Minute, printed Dasent, xxx. 146.]

A letter to Sir Drew Drewry, knight, William Waad, esquier, Clerke of the Councell, Thomas Fowler, Edward Vaughan and Nicholas Collyns, esquires, Justices of the Peace in the countie of Middlesex. Wee are given to understand by our very good Lord the Lord Willoughby and other gentlemen and inhabitauntes in the parishe of St. Giles without Creplegate that there is a purpose and intent in some persons to erect a theatre in White Crosstreete, neere unto the Barres in that parte that ys in the countie of Middlesex, wherof ther are to manie allreadie not farr from that place, and as you knowe not longe sithence you receaved spetiall direction to pluck downe those and to see them defaced, therefore yf this newe erection should be suffered yt would not onlie be an offence and scandall to divers, but a thinge that would greatly dysplease her Majestie. These are therefore to will and require you in any case to take order that no soche theatre or plaie-howse be built there, or other howse to serve for soche use, both to avoide the many inconveniences that therby