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and to the Justices of the Peace of Middlesex. But as wee have donne our partes in prescribinge the orders, so unlesse you perfourme yours in lookinge to the due execution of them wee shall loose our labour and the wante of redresse must be imputed unto you and others unto whome it apperteyneth, and therefore wee doe hereby authorize and require you to see the said orders to be putt in execucion and to be continued, as you do wish the amendement of the aforesaide abuses and will remove the blame thereof from your selves. And so, &c.


[1601, March 11. Privy Council Minute, printed Dasent, xxxi. 218.]

A letter to the Lord Mayour requiring him not to faile to take order the playes within the cyttie and the liberties, especyally at Powles and in the Blackfriers, may be suppressed during this time of Lent.


[1601, May 10. Privy Council Minute, printed Dasent, xxxi. 346.]

A letter to certaine Justices of the Peace in the county of Middlesex. Wee do understand that certaine players that use to recyte their playes at the Curtaine in Moorefeildes do represent upon the stage in their interludes the persons of some gentlemen of good desert and quallity that are yet alive under obscure manner, but yet in such sorte as all the hearers may take notice both of the matter and the persons that are meant thereby. This beinge a thinge very unfitte, offensive and contrary to such direccion as have bin heretofore taken that no plaies should be openly shewed but such as were first perused and allowed and that might minister no occasion of offence or scandall, wee do hereby require you that you do forthwith forbidd those players to whomsoever they appertaine that do play at the Courtaine in Moorefeildes to represent any such play, and that you will examine them who made that play and to shew the same unto you, and as you in your discreccions shall thincke the same unfitte to be publiquely shewed to forbidd them from henceforth to play the same eyther privately or publiquely, and yf upon veiwe of the said play you shall finde the subject so odious and inconvenient as is informed, wee require you to take bond of the cheifest of them to aunswere their rashe and indiscreete dealing before us. So, &c.


[1601, Dec. 31. Minute of letter from Privy Council to Justices of Middlesex and Surrey, printed by Dasent, xxxii. 466, and Halliwell-Phillipps, i. 309, from Council Register.]

Two letters of one tenour to the Justices of Middlesex and Surrey. It is in vaine for us to take knowledg of great abuses and disorders complayned of and to give order for redresse, if our directions finde no better execution and observation then it seemeth they do, and wee