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it betokeneth your care and desire to reforme the disorders of the cittie, so wee must lett you know that wee did muche rather expect to understand that our order (sett downe and prescribed about a yeare and a half since for reformation of the said disorders upon the like complaint at that tyme) had bin duelie executed, then to finde the same disorders and abuses so muche encreased as they are. The blame whereof, as wee cannot but impute in great part to the Justices of the Peace or somme of them in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, who had speciall direction and charge from us to see our said order executed for the confines of the cittie, wherein the most part of those play howses are scituate, so wee do wishe that it might appeare unto us that any thinge hath bin endeavoured by the predecessours of you, the Lord Maiour, and by you, the Aldermen, for the redresse of the said enormities, and for observation and execution of our said order within the cittie.

Wee do therefore once againe renew heereby our direction unto you (as wee have donne by our letters to the Justices of Middlesex and Surrey) concerninge the observation of our former order, which wee do praie and require you to cause duelie and dilligentlie to be put in execution for all poyntes thereof, and especiallie for th'expresse and streight prohibition of any more play howses then those two that are mentioned and allowed in the said order, charging and streightlie comaunding all suche persons, as are the owners of any the howses used for stage plaies within the cittie, not to permitt any more publique plaies to be used, exercised or shewed from hence-*foorth in their said howses, and to take bondes of them (if you shall finde it needefull) for the perfourmaunce thereof, or if they shall refuse to enter into bonde or to observe our said order, then to committ them to prison untill they shall conforme themselves thereunto. And so praying you, as your self do make the complaint and finde the ennormitie, so to applie your best endeavour to the remedie of the abuse, wee bidd, &c.


[1602, March 31. The Privy Council to the Lord Mayor, printed M.S.C. i. 85, from Remembrancia, ii. 189.]

A lettre to the L. Maior for the Bores head to be licensed for the plaiers. After our verey hartie Commendacions to your Lp. We receaued your lettre, signifieinge some amendment of the abuses or disorders by the immoderate exercise of Stage plays in and about the Cittie, by meanes of our late order renued for the restraint of them, and with all shewinge a speciall inconvenience yet remayneinge, by reason that the seruants of our verey good L. the Earle of Oxford, and of me the Earle of Worcester, beinge ioyned by agrement togeather in on Companie (to whom, vpon noteice of her Maiesties pleasure at the suit of the Earle of Oxford, tolleracion hath ben thaught meete to be graunted, notwithstandinge the restraint of our said former Orders), doe not tye them selfs to one certaine place and howse, but do chainge there place at there owne disposition,