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figures seem from the print of 1603 to have been recorded separately, and those in Bell's pamphlet are shown by a comparison of his entry for 12 May 1636 with that in Herbert's Office-Book (Variorum, iii. 239) to relate only to the City and liberties. The returns for this area were probably the basis for play restraints in the seventeenth century (cf. Bk. ii, ch. x). The bills seem to have been issued on Thursdays, with figures for the seven days ending on the day of issue.]

I give all facts indicating any epidemic condition of plague such as would affect the performance of plays. The play restraints cited are in App. D.

1560. Trinity term was adjourned to Michaelmas on 24 May (Procl. 525), but plague is not named as the reason.

1563. Plague was brought about June by English troops from Havre. The deaths were above 30 from 3 July to 7 Jan. 1564, and reached 1,828 on 1 Oct. Stowe, Annales, 656, gives the totals as 17,404 from 108 City parishes, and 2,732 from 11 suburban parishes; Camden (tr.), 83, as 21,130 from 121 parishes. Michaelmas term was adjourned to Hilary on 21 Sept. (Procl. 582), and Hilary term transferred to Hertford on 10 Dec. (Procl. 583). Plays were restrained on 30 Sept.

1564-6. The bills show no plague deaths over 30.

1568. Some precautions were taken in the City and Westminster against plague (Creighton, i. 318, 338).

1569. Further precautions were taken on 27 March (Creighton, i. 338) and plays restrained on 31 May until 30 Sept. There was in fact plague in September and October (Creighton, i. 338; La Mothe, ii. 249, 287; Sp. P. ii. 193, 203). Michaelmas term was deferred on 28 Sept. (Procl. 642) and adjourned to Hilary on 23 Oct. (Procl. 644). Access to court was restrained on 3 Oct. (Procl. 643).

1570. There was plague in July and August (Hatfield MSS. i. 476; Sp. P. ii. 262, 270, 273; Creighton, i. 338). Michaelmas term was deferred on 24 Sept. (Procl. 658).

1572. Harrison reports a restraint of plays for fear of plague. There is no other evidence.

1573. Plague appeared in the autumn (Creighton, i. 339). The Lord Mayor's feast was suppressed (Remembrancia, 38).

1574. Michaelmas term was deferred on 1 Oct. (Procl. 691). The plague deaths on 28 Oct. were 65 (Holinshed, iii. 1240). The Lord Mayor's feast was suppressed (Dasent, viii. 303). Plays were restrained on 15 Nov. until Easter.

1575. There was plague in Westminster, but apparently none in London (Creighton, i. 340). Michaelmas term was deferred on 26 Sept. (Procl. 696).

1576. There was plague in the Tower on 13 July (Dasent, ix. 163). Michaelmas term was deferred on 29 Sept. (Procl. 708).

1577. There was plague in August, September, and November (Dasent, x. 22, 35, 40, 86). Plays were restrained on 1 Aug. to Michaelmas. Michaelmas term was deferred on 16 Sept. (Procl. 719), and further on 15 Oct. (Procl. 722).