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through Les Abusez (1543) of Charles Estienne. It is possible that, directly or indirectly, it influenced Twelfth Night.

Leander (March 1598). By W. Hawkesworth (q.v.).

Machiavellus (1597). Bodl. Douce MS. 234, f. 40^v, dated 'Anno Dmni 1597, Decemb. 9'.

A note in Douce's hand assigns the authorship to [Nathaniel] Wiburne, who, like the other actors, was of St. John's, Cambridge, in 1597 (Boas, 398).

Melanthe (1615). By S. Brooke (q.v.).

Meleager (Feb. 1582) By W. Gager (q.v.).

Nero (1603). By M. Gwynne (q.v.).

Oedipus. By W. Gager (q.v.).

Panniculus Hippolyto Assutus (8 Feb. 1592). By W. Gager (q.v.).

Parthenia. Emmanuel, Cambridge, MS. 1. 3. 16. Greg, Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama, 368, thinks the handwriting later than 1600.

Pastor Fidus (> 1605). Cambridge Univ. Libr. MS. Ff. ii. 9. 'Il pastor fido, di signor Guarini . . . recitata in Collegio Regali Cantabrigiae', with Prologus and Argumentum. T. C. C. MS. R. 3. 37.

Greg, Pastoral, 247, points out that this must be the 'Fidus Pastor, which was sometimes acted by King's College men in Cambridge', out of which a contemporary observer thought that Daniel's Queen's Arcadia (q.v.) was drawn. It is a translation of Guarini's Il Pastor Fido (1590).

Pedantius (1581). Caius College, Cambridge, MS. 62. 'Paedantius comoedia acta in collegio Sanctae et individuae Trinitatis authore M^{ro} Forcet.'

T. C. C. MS. R. 17 (9).

S. R. 1631, Feb. 9. 'A Comedy in Lattyn called Pedantius', authorized by Austen. Milborne (Arber, iv. 248).

1631. Pedantius Comoedia, Olim Cantabrig. Acta in Coll. Trin. Nunquam antehac Typis evulgata. W. S. Impensis Roberti Mylbourne.

[Engravings of Dromodotus and Pedantius. Introductory lines, 'Pedantius de Se'. The title-page has an engraved border dated 1583, already used for W. Alexander's Monarchicke Tragedies (1616).]

Edition by G. C. Moore Smith (1905, Materialien, viii).

The introductory line, 'Ante quater denos vixi Pedantius annos',