Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/393

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Tomumbeius (> 1603).

Bodl. Rawl. Poet. MS. 75. 'Tomumbeius siue Sultanici in Aegypto Imperii Euersio. Tragoedia noua auctore Georgio Salterno Bristoënsi.'

Nothing is known of George Salterne, and a dedication to Elizabeth is hardly sufficient to indicate a production before her at Bristol during the progress of 1574.

Ulysses Redux (5 Feb. 1592).

By W. Gager (q.v.).

Vertumnus (29 Aug. 1605).

By M. Gwynne (q.v.).

Victoria (c. 1580-3).

By A. Fraunce (q.v.).

Zelotypus (1606).

Emmanuel, Cambridge, MS. 3. 1. 17; T. C. C. MS. R. 3, 9.

The actor-list points to St. John's, Cambridge, in 1606.



[Preliminary Note.—This is a chronological abstract of plays, printed or entered for printing in the Stationers' Register, of which either the entry or the possible date of production falls in 1558-1616. Some of the later plays are only included in deference to the conjectures of others as to their early origin in whole or in part. The list is little more than an index; details must be sought in chh. xxiii and xxiv. I think it is nearly self-explanatory. The plays marked T. in col. 1 are those of which the first entry in the Register is in connexion with a transfer of copyright; the name in col. 4 is then that of the transferrer. Titles of non-extant plays are marked with inverted commas in col. 3; some of them (cf. App. M) may not really relate to plays at all. The symbol (s) in col. 6 is used where the imprint indicates, not that a play is printed 'for' a stationer, but that it is 'to be sold by' a stationer; it is not quite clear how far the two formulae are equivalent. The most important notes in col. 7 are those in italics, which indicate direct evidence afforded by the entry or first title-page as to companies by which the plays had been acted. I have added from other sources additional ascriptions which seem certain or reasonably probable, and sometimes omitted even title-page evidence where it obviously relates to production by a company of later origin than 1616. The notes in col. 8 must not be taken as attributions of authorship, but merely as guides to the relevant sections in ch. xxiii or to ch. xxiv. The brackets in this column indicate that the plays, being pre-Elizabethan, are dealt with in App. X of The Mediaeval Stage. Some statistics, based on this list, of the output of plays from the Elizabethan press, will be found in ch. xxii.]