Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/396

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1576, July 26 N.D. Common Conditions Hunter Howe Hunter Anon. 1576, Oct. 22 1576 Tide Tarrieth No Man H. Jackson H. Jackson Wapull. 1577, Nov. 25 1578 All for Money Ward { Ward and } Lupton.

                                                                      {  Mundee }
                1577         Abraham's Sacrifice                      Vautrollier                   Transl.          Golding.
                1577         God's Promises                           Charlwood      Peele                           [Bale.]

1578, July 31 1578, Aug. 20 Promos and Cassandra R. Jones R. Jones Whetstone. 1580-1 1581 Ten Tragedies T. Marsh T. Marsh Transl. Seneca. 1581, July 31 1581 Antigone Wolf Wolf Transl. Watson.

                1581         Conflict of Conscience                   Bradock                                        Woodes.

1584, Apr. 6 1584 Sapho and Phao Cadman Dawson Cadman Chapel, Paul's Lyly. 1584, Nov. 12 1585 Fedele and Fortunio Hacket Hacket Transl. Anon.

                1584         Arraignment of Paris                     H. Marsh                      Chapel           Peele.
                1584         Three Ladies of London                   Ward                                           Wilson.

[T. 1597, Apr. 12] 1584 Campaspe [Cadman] Cadman Chapel, Paul's Lyly. 1585, Apr. 1 } 1592 Galathea { Cawood } 1591, Oct. 4 } { J. Broome } Charlwood J. Broome Paul's Lyly.

                1587 [8]     Misfortunes of Arthur                     Robinson                     Gray's Inn       Hughes.
                1588         Andria                                    East          Woodcock       Transl.          Kyffin.
                1589         Rare Triumphs of Love                     E. A.         E. White       Derby's?         Anon.
                              and Fortune

1590, July 31 1590 Three Lords and Three R. Jones R. Jones Queen's? Wilson.

                              Ladies of London

1590, Aug. 14 1590 1, 2 Tamburlaine R. Jones R. Jones Admiral's Marlowe. 1591, Feb. 9 1591 Phillis and Amyntas Ponsonby T. Orwin Ponsonby Transl. Fraunce. 1591, July 26 'Hunting of Cupid' R. Jones Peele. 1591, Oct. 4 1591 Endymion J. Broome Charlwood J. Broome Paul's Lyly. 1591, Oct. 4 1592 Midas J. Broome Scarlet J. Broome Paul's Lyly.

                1591         Tancred and Gismund                       Scarlet       Robinson (s)   Inner Temple     Wilmot.