Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/398

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1594, May 14 1598 James IV Creede Creede Queen's? Greene.

                                                                                                 { Strange's }

1594, May 14 1594 Friar Bacon and Friar Islip E. White { Sussex's } Greene.

                            Bungay                                                               { Queen's  }

1594, May 14 } 1605 King Leir { Islip } Stafford J. Wright { Queen's } Anon. 1605, May 8 } { Stafford} { Sussex's } 1594, May 14 'John of Gaunt' E. White [App. M.] 1594, May 14 1599 David and Bethsabe Islip Islip Peele. 1594, May 14 'Robin Hood and Little Islip [App. M.]


1594, May 17 } { Ling and } { Strange's} 1632, Nov. 20 } 1633 Jew of Malta { Millington. } I. B. Vavasour { Sussex's } Marlowe.

                                                      { Vavasour   }                             { Admiral's }

1594, May 24 1594 Wounds of Civil War Danter Danter Admiral's Lodge. 1594, June 8 1594 Cobbler's Prophecy Burby Danter Burby Wilson. 1594, June 10 1595 Menaechmi Creede Creede Barley (s) Transl. Warner. 1594, June 18 1594 Mother Bombie Burby Scarlet Burby Paul's Lyly. 1594, June 19 1615 Four Prentices of London Danter I. W. { Admiral's } Heywood.

                                                                                                 { Anne's   }

1594, June 19 'Heliogabilus' Danter [App. M.] 1594, June 19 1594 True Tragedy of Richard III Creede Creede Barley (s) Queen's Anon. 1594, July 20 1595 Locrine Creede Creede Anon.

                    N.D.  Fair Em                                                  { T. N. and}    Strange's     Anon.
                                                                                   { I. W.    }
                    1594  Battle of Alcazar                             E. Allde     Bankworth   { Strange's }   Peele.
                                                                                                 { Admiral's }
                    1594  Selimus                                       Creede                     Queen's       Anon.
                    1594  Wars of Cyrus                                 E. A.        Blackwall     Chapel        Anon.

[T. 1600, June 26?] 1594 Dido [Lynley] J. Orwin Woodcock Chapel Marlowe. 1595, Apr. 1 1599 George a Greene Burby Stafford Burby Sussex's Anon.